Photo exhibition in Macau

Photo exhibition in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel

  • Photo: Ribbon cutting ceremony at the opening of the photo exhibition “Pope Francis in Israel” in Macau
    The “Photography exhibition of Pope Francis in Israel: We are all brothers and sisters” will be held from February 11th to 16th, 2015 (open: 10am-6pm, free entry) at St. Dominic’s Church in Macau, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage monument.

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    Photo: St. Dominic’s Church in Macau

    During May 25 and 26, 2014, Pope Francis visited Israel.  He is the fourth Pope to come to the Holy Land and his visit marked the 50th anniversary of the historic visit of Pope Paul VI. 
    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    Pope Francis visited the Western Wall, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Mount Herzl, where he laid a wreath on the tomb of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, as well as the memorial for the victims of terrorism. 
    The Pope also visited sites sacred to Christianity in Jerusalem, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Church of Gethsemane and the Room of the Last Supper on Mount Zion.

    During the visit, the Pope met with then Israeli President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel's Chief Rabbis.  The Pope's visit to Israel also marked the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Holy See. 

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    Photo: This exhibition gives a glimpse of Pope Francis’ visit in Israel in 2014

    The opening ceremony of the exhibition was held on February 10, 2015, with Consul General Sagi Karni (photo below: right), the Most Reverend Bishop José Lai Hung-seng (middle), Dr. Alexis Tam Chon-weng (speaking), Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr. Daniel Fung (second from left), director of government protocol and Father Cónego João Evangelista Lau (left) as officiating guests and many clergy and school principals attended.

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    In his opening remarks, Consul General Karni thanked the Macau Dioceses for their full support in organizing this exhibition and said, “But during preparation to this photo exhibition, I was reminded of the note by Pope John Paul 2nd known as 'Redemptionis Anno' from 1984 where he spoke of the centrality of Jerusalem to the Jewish people… With the deliverance and the new independence of the State of Israel in 1948 and the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 the city is open to all believers as we know that she is sacred to you Christians as well.  And I call upon you now to come and visit Israel, come and visit Jerusalem, the city of David.”

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    Photo: Dr. Alexis Tam signing on the exhibition panel at the opening ceremony

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel
    Photo: Guided tour of the exhibition by Consul General Sagi Karni
    This exhibition is organized by the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau, co-organised by Shalom Multimedia Creations and sponsored by O Clarim, Igreja de Sao Domingos and Macau Diocesan Social Communications Centre. 


    昨天以色列駐港澳總領事Sagi Karni先生主持揭幕典禮,並敦請澳門天主教教區黎鴻昇主教,澳門社會文化司司長譚俊榮博士,禮賓公關外事辦公室馮少榮主任,澳門主教座堂主任司鐸及玫瑰聖母堂專職司劉炎新神父蒞臨主禮,多位教會負責人和神職人員出席。

    Photo exhibition opens in Macau: Pope Francis in Israel