Israeli clarinettist Gilad Harel's début in Hong Kong

Israeli clarinettist Gilad Harel début in HK

    Israeli clarinettists Gilad Harel's Hong Kong début 以色列單簧管名家哈雷爾首度來港演出​​

    Supported by Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong, Israeli musician Gilad Harel, one of the leading clarinettists of this generation, will make his début in Hong Kong in October 2021, bringing his signature Klezmer music, Jewish folk tunes from Eastern Europe.

    On October 20, Harel will give a recital - "A Clarinet Rhapsody", organised by Premiere Performances of Hong Kong, with Hong Kong’s Rachel Cheung for an evening of Debussy, Saint-Saëns, Schumann, Mozart – and Klezmer Medley.

    While on October 23, Harel will present the iconic Mozart Clarinet Concerto and the world première of "Klezmer Smile" - a caprice on traditional tunes specially written for Harel, with Hong Kong Sinfonietta.

    Don’t miss this rare opportunity to enjoy Klezmer music in Hong Kong, especially when Hong Kong’s cultural venues are open with musicians’ presence.

    Get your tickets now!

    在2021年10月,飛躍演奏香港與香港小交響樂團擕手邀請被譽為當今最出色的單簧管演奏家之一的哈雷爾(Gilad Harel)來港獻演,以色列駐港總領事館贊助。

