Israel@HK Book Fair 2018

Israel @ HK Book Fair 2018

    At this year’s HK, the Israeli booth will present the 70th theme “Heritage of Innovation” - through difference angles, with public music performance and 2 new book seminars. 以色列駐香港總領事館在今年香港書展的攤位會貫徹為立國70周年「創新的傳承」的主題,邀請來自以色列的莫蘭合唱團表演,亦會舉辦兩​場新書講座​​​
    At this year’s Hong Kong Book Fair, the Israeli booth will present the theme of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel - “Heritage of Innovation” - through difference angles. There will also a public music performance and two new book seminars. Details as below:

    18/7 (Wed) 2:00-2:30pm

    Music performance: “Biblical voices from Israel"

    Performer: Moran Singers Ensemble

    Moran Singers Ensemble, established in 1998, is a professional singing group. The Ensemble consists of Moran Choir graduates, outstanding musician, IDF soldiers, as well as students and graduates from various music academies. The Ensemble’s repertoire includes choral classical music as well as Israeli choral music composed by leading composers. In recent years, the Ensemble performed with highly recognized orchestras and music groups, and took part in international festivals around the world. 

    Language: Hebrew

    Venue: Hall 1A Entrance, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

    19/7 (Thu) 3:00-4:30pm

    Book presentation: Israel and China: from the Tang Dynasty to Silicon Wadi

    Speaker: Mark O’Neill

    Language: English​ 

    Venue: HKCEC Meeting Room S222-223


    22/7 (Sun) 1:00-2:00pm

    Travel talk: Have fun in Israel

    Speaker: Wilson Chow

    Language: Cantonese

    Venue: Hall 1A Entrance, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre


    23/7 (Mon) 4:00-5:00pm

    Seminar: The Holocaust Through Children's Eyes: Wartime Diaries of Anne Frank and Other Child Victims

    Speaker: Simon K. Li, Director of Education, Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre

    Language: Cantonese

    Venue: Hall 1A Entrance, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

    Israel booth location: International Cultural Village Hall 1A-A33

    Booth opening hours:18-19/7 (Wed-Thu) 10:00-22:00

                                         20/7 (Fri) 10:00-18:00

                                         21/7 (Sat) 19:30-24:00

                                         22-23/7 (Sun-Mon) 10:00-22:00

                                         24/7 (Tue) 09:00-17:00



    18/7 (星期三) 2:00-2:30pm


    演出團體: 以色列莫蘭合唱團 --莫蘭合唱團成立於1998年,是一個專業的團體。合唱團成員來自本團青少年組的畢業生、傑出的音樂家、以色列國防軍士兵以及各音樂學院的學生和畢業生。他們的經典劇碼不單有古典合唱作品,還有眾多頂尖作曲家譜寫的以色列合唱作品。近年,他們與非常著名的管弦樂團及室內樂團一道演出,他們的歌聲遍佈世界各地的藝術節。

    語言: 希伯來語

    地點:香港會議展覽中心 展覽廳1A入口大堂 

    19/7 (星期四) 3:00-4:30pm


    講者:Mark O’Neill


    地點會議室 S222-223


    22/7 (星期日) 1:00-2:00pm




    語言: 廣東話

    地點:香港會議展覽中心 展覽廳1A入口大堂 

    23/7 (星期一) 4:00-5:00pm


    講者:香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心教育總監李家豪是公共歷史學者、研究員和教育工作者。他目前擔任香港猶太大屠殺與寬容中心的教育總監一職。該中心致力於用歷史教育的形式回應反猶太主義、歧視以及種族滅絕等議題。曾是加拿大獲獎記者及在英國萊斯特大學 (University of Leicester) 擔任研究員的李家豪現今著眼亞洲,專注研究區域內的大屠殺和寬容教育。2017年,李在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹安妮之家 (Anne Frank House) 擔任訪問學人。除此之外,李亦跟許多種族滅絕的倖存者們保持緊密聯繫,致力於讓他們珍貴的經歷不被世人遺忘。


    語言: 廣東話​

    地點:香港會議展覽中心 展覽廳1A入口大堂  

    ​以色列攤位:  1A展覽廳 國際文化村1A-A33

    攤位開放時間: 18-19/7 (星期三─星期四) 10:00-22:00

                            20/7 (星期五) 10:00-18:00

                            21/7 (星期六) 20:00-24:00

                            22-23/7 (星期​星期一) 10:00-22:00

                            24/7 (星期二) 09:00-17:00

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