Israel teams up with PolyU School of Design

Israel teams up with PolyU School of Design

    Israel will further widen its collaboration with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on design school student exchange and joint projects, and the presentation of an art and design exhibition at PolyU Jockey Club Innovation Tower.
    Main photo: At the MoU signing ceremony (back, from left) PolyU Vice President Prof. Angelina Yuen, PolyU President Prof. Timothy Tong, Consul General of Israel Sagi Karni and Israeli artist Peddy Mergui; (front, from left) PolyU Dean of School of Design Prof. Cees de Bont and Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem Vice President Ms Liv Sperber
    Student exchange programme and joint projects
    A signing ceremony was held on January 12, 2016, between two outstanding design schools, Israel’s Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem and Hong Kong’s PolyU School of Design.  The Vice President of Bezalel Academy, Ms Liv Sperber, came to Hong Kong especially for this occasion and to introduce the Israeli academy.  Consul General of Israel Sagi Karni and PolyU President Prof. Timothy Tong will attend the signing ceremony.
    Established more than 110 years ago, Bezalel Academy ( is Israel’s oldest institute of higher education.  Emphasising on the interaction of tradition with the evolving technologies, it has become one of the most prestigious schools of its kind in the world.  Hong Kong students will have the opportunity to get inspired by the Israeli culture and innovation atmosphere. 
    Various Israeli universities already have a solid partnership with PolyU, mostly in the fields of business and science and technology.  This new collaboration between the two renowned design schools will open up the frontier and opportunities for student exchange, research collaboration, staff exchange and collaboration in educational programmes. 
    Exhibition: Wheat is Wheat is Wheat by Peddy Mergui

    Photo: At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, (from left) PolyU Dean of School of Design Prof. Cees de Bont, Israeli artist Peddy Mergui and Consul General of Israel Sagi Karni
    Israeli artist Peddy Mergui presents everyday groceries branded and packaged in luxury style in his exhibition Wheat is Wheat is Wheat, on view at PolyU’s Jockey Club Innovation Tower from January 13 to 30, 2016.
    This exhibition explores the dynamic and often blurred ethical boundaries of design within consumer culture, highlighting the challenges a designer faces when tasked with promoting economic interests while remaining true to his or her own moral compass.  This exhibition was presented at the Israeli Pavilion of Expo Milano 2015.

    Photo: Peddy Mergui - Milk by Apple        Photo: Peddy Mergui - Rice by HSBC

    以色列最出色的藝術設計學院Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design將與香港理工大學設計學院於一月十二日簽訂諒解備忘錄,兩所學院的設計系學生將可前往兩地作交流課程。Bezalel Academy副校長LivSperber會專程來港簽署並向理大學生介紹該學院,理大校長唐偉章教授及以色列駐港總領事Sagi Karni 亦會出席簽署儀式。
    Bezalel Academy成立超過110年,是以色列歷史最悠久的高等教育機構,亦已成為世界上最負盛名的藝術設計學院之一。香港學生將有機會在這個着重傳統與科技互動的學院得到啟發,並親身體驗以色列生活及創新文化,兩校亦會在研究及課程上發展合作項目。
    此外,以色列藝術家Peddy Mergui 帶來展覽「Wheat is Wheat is Wheat」,以奢華品牌的風格包裝生活雜貨,探索和反思設計師在面對消費文化的道德挑戰。此展覽在2015 年米蘭世界博覽會以色列館展出。