Israel and Hong Kong signed MoU on cultural co-operation

Israel & HK sign cultural MoU

    Ambassador Amikam Levy, Consul General in Hong Kong, on behalf of the Government of the State of Israel, and Mr. Tsang Tak-sing, Secretary for Home Affairs, representing the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Co-operation on 15 June 2010 in Hong Kong.
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    2010 06 15 MoU Culture 2010 06 15 MoU Culture Copyright: Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong
    (Left) Ambassador Amikam Levy, Consul General of Israel in Hong Kong, and (right) Mr. Tsang Tak-sing, HKSAR's Secretary for Home Affairs
    ​As this co-operation will contribute to furthering mutual understanding and friendship between the sides, the two governments will promote and strengthen co-operation in the fields of culture, the arts and sport. 
    “This document reflects the deep and strong will of both places to collaborate in a wide range of fields”, said Ambassador Levy at the signing ceremony. 
    The governments will encourage information exchanges, cultural presentations, arts groups and personnel; sports-related events, contests and meetings.
    The signing ceremony took place at the Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, graced by demonstrations of Chinese tea-brewing culture and Israeli wine from the Golan Heights Winery.  Israeli Dead Sea skin care products were offered as gifts.