Israel Scene Unseen photo contest

Next Stop Israel:Israel Scene Unseen photo contest

    以色列駐香港總領事館在73周年國慶期間,舉辦「以遊未盡 Next stop Israel: Israel scene unseen 攝影比賽」,歡迎去過以色列的香港居民參加 ,以相片分享你眼中的以色列,被評判或公眾選中可贏得二人以色列特色晚餐、以色列死海美容療程、護膚品等禮物。

    大家亦可在領事館 Facebook 和 Instagram 投選你最喜愛的相片,有機會贏取以色列旅遊指南《以色列好好玩》及死海護膚品。

     香港創作歌手、演員 周慧敏 Vivian
     香港作家、旅行家 李純恩
     香港平面設計之父 石漢瑞 Henry Steiner
     香港時裝設計師、旅行家 鄧達智
     香港唱作歌手 黃劍文 Kimman


    🇮🇱 Next stop: Israel – Israel Scene Unseen photo contest

    It’s been a year since we are unable to travel. We are all missing the feelings of travelling, the scenery, the café, the food… So why not travel with imagination, with a little help from people living in the same city?

    To celebrate the 73rd Independence Day of Israel, the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong is hosting a contest of photo of Israel from the eyes of Hongkongers who have been to Israel and probably taken hundreds of photos with their mobile phones or cameras.

    We will post the entries so you can enjoy and vote for the photos you like. Voters may receive a special gift 🎁

    1 - A local jury panel will choose 3 winning photos under the criteria that they inspire Hongkongers to know more about Israel and to visit Israel. Depending on the number of entries, the Consulate may first shortlist the photos before the judges’ evaluation.
    2 - A most-liked photo will be voted by the public in May 2021 on the Consulate’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

     Vivian Chow, Hong Kong singer-songwriter and actress
     Benny Li, Hong Kong writer and traveller
     Henry Steiner, Father of Hong Kong graphic design
     Kimman Wong, Hong Kong singer-songwriter

    🏆 PRIZES
    First jury prize: A dining experience for 2 at Francis, a Middle Eastern restaurant in Wan Chai under Israeli chef Asher Goldstein and a gift set by Ahava, Dead Sea skin care from Israel (valued at HK$3,000 together)
    Second jury prize: A Dead Sea spa experience at Premier’s spa, Dead Sea skincare from Israel (valued at HK$2,000)
    Third jury prize: A gift set by Ahava, Dead Sea skin care from Israel (valued at HK$2,000)
    Most-liked prize: A dining experience for 2 at Francis, a Middle Eastern restaurant in Wan Chai under Israeli chef Asher Goldstein (valued at HK$1,000)
    👍❤️ The first 20 people who have liked and shared the first jury prize winning photo will receive a Chinese travel guidebook《以色列好好玩》and a bottle of hand cream by Premier, Dead Sea skincare from Israel

    📸 ACT NOW If you are a Hong Kong resident,
    Step 1 – Find a maximum of 2 photos you took in Israel, write something about it if you wish;
    Step 2 – Understand and agree to the below terms & conditions, copy them and fill in your information in an e-mail with your 2 photos and send it to before May 9, 2021.

    I understand and agree that:
    - I took the photos myself and I am the owner of the photos including all the IP rights.
    - I authorize the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong the right to modify, reproduce, publish, distribute, exhibit and use my photos in any media or distribution methods for any purpose at any time.
    - I have obtained consent of the parents or legal guardian of the minors, if any, appearing on my photos.
    - The Consulate General of Israel reserves, with full discretion, the right to change the contest rules, prizes and other arrangements without prior notice.
    - The Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong’s decision is final and unchallengeable.
    My name:
    My e-mail address:
    My tag on Facebook:
    My tag on Instagram:

    Submission without the above fully copied declaration will not be considered.

    The results will be announced in May 2021 with personal e-mail and on the following platforms:

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