Israel Ministry of Health DG at Asia Summit on Global Health held in HK

Israel Ministry of Health DG at Asia Health summit


    Israel Ministry of Health’s Director-General Prof Nachman Ash was invited by the Hong Kong Government to participate and speak, virtually, at the Asia Summit on Global Health held on November 24, 2021, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, among other international health policymakers, experts and business leaders, to exchange insights on global health development, innovation and investment.


    Prof Ash (photo: left) spoke at this special policy dialogue, chaired by Dr Margaret Chan, Emeritus Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), with Prof Sophia Chan, Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health, Dr Takeshi Kasai, WHO’s Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Mr Ma Xiaowei, China’s Minister of National Health Commission, and Mr Ong Ye Kung, Singapore’s Minister for Health, on future direction of public health policies for more resilient, equitable and effective long-term public health under the strain of the COVID-19 pandemic.



    an Ash教授受香港政府邀請,在2021年11月24日舉行的亞洲醫療健康高峰論壇作視像演講,並與世界各地的政府官員、國際科研及醫學界專家、產業領袖及業內人士,討論醫療科技的最新趨勢和投資機遇。


    Ash教授(圖:左)在醫療衛生政策對話環節中主講,並與世界衛生組織榮譽總幹事陳馮富珍、香港食物及衞生局局長陳肇始、世界衛生組織西太平洋區域主任葛西健 、中國國家衞生健康委員會主任馬曉偉、新加坡衛生部部長王乙康,討論新冠疫情等挑戰,如何重塑更具應對能力、更公平的公共醫療衛生系統。