Hanoch Levin's "Winter Funeral" by Hong Kong Reperory Theatre

Hanoch Levin's play staged by HK Repertory Theatre

  • Photo: 香港話劇團Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
    As Hong Kong’s cultural venues are reopened, we are very delighted that Hong Kong Repertory Theatre is bringing Israeli playwright Hanoch Levin’s “Winter Funeral” to Hong Kong in Cantonese!

    Hanoch Levin, a great and very important playwright of Israel, was born in Tel Aviv. His oeuvre encompasses some twenty published volumes, and includes a strikingly wide-ranging variety of genres: comedies and tragedies, satirical cabarets, short stories and other prose, songs, poetry, humorous sketches, radio plays and screenplays. He also directed his own plays, almost all of which were hugely successful and garnered critical acclaim. His plays have been translated into over 20 languages and staged around the world. Now in Hong Kong - don't miss it!

    香港文化設施重開,香港話劇團即帶來以色列戲劇大師 Hanoch Levin 荒誕之作《玩轉婚前身後事》,一部笑中有淚的家庭喜劇,亦讓大家有機會瞭解多一些猶太人的文化和家庭觀念,千萬不要錯過。

    生於特拉維夫的 Hanoch Levin 是以色列最著名、首屈一指的劇作家,一生共寫了近六十部劇作,和二十多本著作,體裁領域廣闊,由年輕時的詩歌和諷刺式卡巴萊,之後橫誇喜劇、悲劇、短篇小說、散文、歌曲、幽默小品、廣播劇和電視劇本,並執導自己的劇作,不但在以色列空前成功,亦在全球各地被翻譯及製作上演,備受讚賞。