HKUST Jewish and Israeli Studies

Jewish and Israeli Studies at the HKUST

  • Photo: (from left) HKUST President Prof Tony Chan, Consul General Mrs. Ahuva Spieler, Prof Rehav Rubin and Mrs. Rubin 左起:科大校長陳繁昌教授、以色列總領事詩愛華女士、Rehav Rubin 教授和 Rubin 太太

    Consul General Mrs. Ahuva Spieler has the pleasure to attend the inauguration ceremony of named professorships at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), on October 27, 2017, to honor the outstandi​ng faculty members and their donors. 


    Among them is Prof Rehav Rubin, Professor from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  He is now the appointed professor for the Elman Family Visiting Professor of Jewish and Israeli Studies at the HKUST’s Division of Social Science. 


    This professorship was made possible by the generous donation of Elman Family Foundation since 2016, to offer Jewish and Israeli courses for HKUST’s undergraduate students.  It is the only of its kind that is available in Hong Kong. 

    Prof Rubin’s course for the coming semester is “Jerusalem through the Ages: Historical Geography of the Holy City”, which will describe the development of Jerusalem from Biblical times to the early 20th century. 


    總領事詩愛華女士於2017年10日27日出席香港科技大學冠名教授席就職典禮,其中獲冠名教授有以色列耶路撒冷大學的 Rehav Rubin 教授,現擔任科大社會科學部艾禮文家族猶太及以色列學客座教授,他在這個學期的課程會探討耶路撒冷自聖經年代至20世紀初的發展。這個客座教席由艾禮文家族慷慨捐助,由2016年起為科大本科生提供猶太及以色列課程,是本港唯一有這個主題的大學課程。​