HKUST "Blue Marine Economy Summit”

HKUST "Blue Marine Economy Summit”

    Ocean is a giant treasure box for all human beings. Like Hong Kong, Israel and its many coastal cities, such as Tel Aviv, Haifa and Eilat, are very focus on the development of thr Blue Economy.

    Consul General Amir Lati joined the panel discussion at the “Blue Marine Economy Summit” at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HKUST on June 23, 2022, to give an overview of Israel’s ocean related industry, including acquculture, water treatment and desalination.

    海洋是全人類的巨大寶藏。 與香港一樣,以色列及沿海城市,如特拉維夫、海法和埃拉特,都非常重視海洋經濟的的發展。

    總領事藍天銘在2022 年 6 月 23 日​參加了在香港科技大舉行的藍色海洋經濟論壇,介紹以色列的海洋相關產業,例如水產養殖、污水處理、海水化淡等。