HK Financial Secretary & delegation to Israel

HKSAR Financial Secretary & delegation to Israel


    Recognising the potential of closer collaboration between Hong Kong and Israel, Mr Paul Chan, Hong Kong SAR’s Financial Secretary, led a 72-member delegation to Israel for an official visit during September 3-6, 2018, to strengthen economic and innovation and technology ties.


    Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau, is another senior Hong Kong Government official in the delegation, which also include Legislator Elizabeth Quat and 30 business leaders representing Alibaba, Fosun, J. P. Morgan, Hang Seng Bank, Bank of East Asia, Octopus and other companies in the fields of financial services, venture capital investment, biotechnology, Fintech and smart city development; and representatives from Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Invest Hong Kong, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and Hong Kong Cyberport.


    During the 4-day visit, Mr Chan met with Mr Moshe Kahlon, Minister of Finance, Mr Eli Cohen, Minister of Economy and Industry, Dr. Ami Appelbaum, the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Innovation Authority, and Ambassador Yael Ravia-Zadok, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  


    Photo: The ministers had agreed to promote a treaty for avoidance of double taxation and co-operation on fintech.

    Besides meeting with a number of Israeli IT, Fintech and biotech companies and equity crowdfunding platform, Mr Chan also attended the 6th Annual Summit for Business with China and spoke at the DLD Tel Aviv Innovation Festival.  


    At these business platforms and meetings, Mr Chan emphasised Hong Kong's unique strengths as a leading global financial centre and the government’s initiative to become the preferred listing platform for emerging and innovative enterprises from Israel.  He sees much potential for Israeli tech entrepreneurs and talent to partner with Hong Kong in developing high-tech solutions.


    Among other important institutions, the delegation has visited the innovation centre of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and The Floor, a Fintech platform, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University. 


    The delegation visited the old city of Jerusalem and “Yad Vashem”, where Mr Chan laid a wreath to mourn the 6 million Jews that perished in the Holocaust.


    The Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong thanks the HKTDC, HK Trade and Industry Department, Invest HK, the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and all the partners that made this visit a success. ​