Entrepreneurship & innovation program

Entrepreneurship & innovation program

    InnovNation offers executive and academic programs that seek to spark innovation worldwide by exposing students, professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the globe to Israel, a country world renowned as the Start-up nation.  

    ​This is achieved through multiple lectures, meetings, and site visits, that combine theoretical know-how with the insights and first-hand experience of Israel’s top innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

    - Executive Program (2015 & 2016) - one-week programs for faculty members, investors, entrepreneurs, business professionals and policy makers

    - Summer Program (2015) – one-month program for undergraduate and graduate students

    InnovNation is organized in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Economy, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singularity University - Israel, and the Rothberg International School (RIS) of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
    Scholarship opportunities are available at several institutions.