Consul General at HKMA Global Innovation Day

Consul General at HKMA Global Innovation Day

    At the HKMA - The Hong Kong Management Association’s first Global Innovation Day, which was held last week in Hong Kong and has attracted hundreds of government officials and private sector representatives, Consul General Amir Lati was very glad to be invited to take part in a panel discussion on emerging technologies and innovation.

    He was equally happy to present a competition award to Israeli company Watersight, a smart water monitoring system, which won the Excellence Award in the HKMA/HKT Global Innovation Award.

    總領事藍天銘很高興受邀參加香港管理專業協會在上星期舉行的首屆「2023 環球創新日」,在創新峰會與創科界代表,一同探討香港創科生態圈的發展,並頒獎給獲得全球創新獎的以色列智能水質監控系統公司 Watersight。