China Scholarship Council–Hebrew University Scholarship Program

China Scholarship Council-Hebrew U Scholarship

    Call for Application for the China Scholarship Council (CSC) – Hebrew University Scholarship Program for 2017/18

    This program offers scholarships for 20 selected PhD students (full degree and sandwich), postdoctoral students and visiting scholars from Chinese institutions each year, to engage in doctoral and post-doctoral level research at HUJI for 12 – 48 months, and to host visiting scholars for academic visits of 3-12 months.


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    2017/18中國國家留學基金委員會耶路撒冷希伯來大學 合作獎學金

    本項目提供每年20名中國高等教育機構精選的博士生(全修或sandwich交替制)、博士後研究生和訪問學人獎學金,在希伯來大學進行 12-48個月的博士和博士後研究,及接待訪問學人來希伯來大學進行3-12個月的學術訪問。

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