Archaeology exhibition

Archaeological exhibition from Israel 以色列考古文物展


    ​The Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong is proud to be a supporter of the exhibition Temple, Scrolls and Divine Messengers: Archaeology of the Land of Israel in Roman Times co-organized by the Asia Society Hong Kong Center and the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, to be held from 4 November 2014 to 25 January 2015 at 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, Hong Kong.


    Two of the world’s greatest archaeological finds – the Gabriel Revelation Stone, often called the “stone scroll” and a facsimile of the Isaiah Scroll, the oldest and most complete of the Dead Sea Scrolls, go on display in Hong Kong and China for the first time at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center, along with some 50 key artefacts from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.


    The Gabriel Revelation Stone《加百列啟示石碑
    Temple, Scrolls and Divine Messengers: Archeology of the Land of Israel in Roman Times  This exhibition unravels the secrets and meanings behind the Gabriel Revelation Stone and the Isaiah Scroll, and through them, explores the significance of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period between the 1st century BCE and the 1st century CE. It not only examines the Gabriel Revelation Stone and the Isaiah Scroll within the historical, spiritual, material and social context of Judaism of the Second Temple era, but also looks at the life and times of the city’s inhabitants and the importance of their rituals and customs. In addition, the exhibition contains other rare items such as carved stone fragments from the Temple Mount complex, ossuaries and tools, glass and pottery from Jerusalem's Herodian Quarter and Khirbet Qumran in the Dead Sea region. The exhibition will be on view for a strictly limited 11-week season between November 4, 2014 and January 25, 2015 at the Chantal Miller Gallery of the Asia Society Hong Kong Center. 




    Dead Sea Scroll 死海古卷
    《聖殿、經卷與使者:羅馬時代以色列地區之考古發現》為你揭開《加百列啟示石碑》和《以賽亞書卷》背後的謎團和意義,由此認識第二聖殿時期耶路撒冷在公元前後一世紀所扮演的重要角色。展覽不但從第二聖殿時期的猶太教歷史、宗教、物質文化及社會背景研究《加百列啟示石碑》和《以賽亞書卷》,更探討了當時該區居民的日常生活、儀式與習俗。展覽同時展出一些稀有藏品,例如聖殿山上的石雕殘件,以及在耶路撒冷希律區與昆蘭死海地區出土的骨龕、器具、玻璃和陶瓷。是次極為難得的展覽,地點為亞洲協會香港中心麥禮賢夫人藝術館,展期由2014 11 4 日起至2015125日,為期十一個星期。
    At the opening ceremony that was held on Nov 3:

    Mr. Sagi Karni, Consul General of Israel in HK, giving his opening remarks

    From left:
    Mr. Ronnie Chan, Chairman, Asia Society HK Center
    Mr Lennard Yong, CEO, MetLife HK
    Mr. James Snyder, Director of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
    Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary of the HKSAR Government
    Dr. Adolfo Roitman, Head of the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
    Mr. Sagi Karni, Consul General of Israel in HK
    Ms. Alice Mong, Executive Director, Asia Society HK Center

    Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Secretary of the HKSAR Government, listening to Dr. Adolfo Roitman, Head of the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, next to the Gabriel Revelation Stone