70 Independence Day

Israel's 70th Independence Day in Hong Kong

    On April 22, 2018, the Consulate celebrated Israel’s 70th Independence Day at a reception graced by Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, as the guest of honour.

    Consul General Ahuva Spieler said at the official ceremony that, “Israel and Hong Kong have so much in common. Both small places with small population, largely made up of immigrants, we both place a great deal of importance on education and family values. The friendship between the Jewish and Chinese people is historical, and based on mutual respect and shared values. This make us natural and great partners.”

    While Chief Executive Carrie Lam said, “I am here this evening to add my voice to Israel’s anniversary celebration. The spirit of Israel – rooted in cohesion and confidence, in determination and innovation – is one the people of Hong Kong can readily appreciate.”

    The reception was followed by a concert of Israel’s leading international singer-songwriter Noa and Gil Dor at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. With a diverse and moving programme in Hebrew, English, Yemenite, and even Chinese, Noa totally captivated the audiences with her angelic voice and percussion talent.