3 Israeli companies won Asia Smartphone Apps Contest 2015

Israeli companies won Asia Smartphone Apps Contest

    3 Israeli companies, Winkapp, Augmented Games and Lab Style Innovation, won Asia Smartphone Apps Contest 2015 in different categories. 
    Israeli startup company Winkapp won the Silver Award in the contest’s Advertising and Marketing catagory.  Utilizing on patented technology, Winkapp can link any print materials to digital content. Publishers and retailers can enjoy additional revenue stream through this latest mode.
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    In the contest’s Games and Edutainment category, Israeli company Augmented Games won the Bronze Award.  It’s winning app Shift is a mobile hide and seek game that links players virtual life with his real one. Player have virtual character but has to hunt / escape his opponent if the real world.
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    Another Israeli company Lab Style Innovation won the Bronze Award in the Creative Lifestyle category.  It’s app My Dario – Manage Diabetes – Your Smartphone is your glucose meter, is a cloud-based solution for personal diabetes management which gives you real-time tools to check the level.
    The contest, organized by the Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association, is to recognize the excellence of innovative smartphone apps development and provide a platform for top smartphone apps professionals in the region to meet and share.
    Photo: Consul General Sagi Karni (left in front of the backdrop) with the award winners from Israel at the award presentation ceremony.