
Jewish New Year remarks by Consul General

    Jewish New Year remarks by Consul General Ahuva Spieler
    With the Jewish holiday season drawing near us, the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong takes this opportunity to give sweet delicacies to the Hong Kong senior community and to share with them some reusable masks manufactured in Israel.

    According to Jewish traditions, much similar to that of the Chinese new year of sending gifts to families and friends, the honey, apples, dried dates and pomegranates symbolize a sweet new year.

    Our holiday season begins this Friday evening with the Jewish New Year, followed by Yum Kippur, the Day of Atonement that is the holiest day in Judaism, and Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles that commemorates the booths in which the Israelites lived in the desert after the exodus from Egypt.  

    The Jewish people celebrate freedom and praise the importance of hope at difficult times, especially as the COVID-19 situation is still very challenging these days.  

    We are excited to see the hope and the prospect of peace in the Middle East with the historic signing of peace agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and between Israel and Bahrain, today.  We are hopeful that the normalization of relations will bring prosperity to the region.  

    For us in Hong Kong, it is also time for sharing and solidarity.  Just a few days ago, I met with some elderly friends from God's Glory Ministry and Stepping Stones, to present them with the masks and see how they cope with the difficult circumstances.  We are grateful for these two Hong Kong Christian organisations, which have been helping the underprivileged people in Israel during this COVID-19 pandemic.

    Our best wishes to all our friends in Hong Kong, for a happy and sweet new year, good health and safety.  

    Shana Tova ve Metuka! 

    Ahuva Spieler
    Consul General 








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