
以色列@香港書展 2019 Israel@Hong Kong Book Fair


    今年以色列駐香港總領事館將為大家帶來第一次的講故事時間,並有兩場有關歷史和以色列教育的講座、新出版的兒童繪本、烹飪書介紹、以色列 Feldenkrais 活動方法工作坊等。

    This year the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong will organise our first book reading event, two seminars on history and Israel’s education, new books recommendations and Feldenkrais Method body movement workshop. 


    Israeli booth opening hours & location


    July 17-18 (Wed-Thu) 10am-10pm

    July 19 (Fri) 10am-6pm

    July 20 (Sat) 8pm-12mn

    July 21-22 (Sun-Mon) 10am-10pm

    July 23 (Tue) 9am-4pm

    仔 香港會議展覽中心 展覽廳1A-A33-35 國際文化村

    Hall 1A-A33-35, International Cultural Village, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wanchai 

    活動 Book Fair events


    18/7 (星期四 Thu) 4:00-5:00pm
    講座:《Who Will Write Our History? 》猶太大屠殺中塵封的檔案與鮮活的歷史
    講者:李家豪 香港猶太大屠殺及寬容中心行政總監 , 以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館客席講師 (2019)

    今年,一部改編自劍橋大學歷史學教授 Samuel D. Kassow 的著作,關於猶太大屠殺的紀錄片《Who Will Write Our History?》走進了世界各地的影院,再次引發了人們對這段極度黑暗的人類歷史的關注。

    《Who Will Write Our History?》一書,講述猶太歷史學家 Emanuel Ringelblum 蒐集秘密檔案,從而重建具個體化的猶太人的身份認同。1940年,Emanuel Ringelblum 在納粹佔領的華沙猶太人聚居區建立了一個秘密的學術組織 Oyneg Shabes (希伯來語中安息日的喜悅)。 該組織從華沙猶太人區收集了數千份證詞,將波蘭猶太人的戰時命運記錄在案。這些秘密檔案大多是日常生活用品,它們被儲存在牛奶罐和金屬盒中並埋藏在地下,旨在保護華沙猶太人區人民的記憶、文化和抵抗。目前,已被發現的檔案包含約6000份文件,部分已被數碼化的檔案陳列在以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館的特別網站。


    21/7 (星期日 Sun) 11:00am-12:00nn
    工作坊:​Feldenkrais Method《動作感知學習》
    講者/導師:Wendy Wong
    地點:以色列展位  展覽廳1A-A33

    Feldenkrais Method是由以色列核子物理學家及柔道大師 Dr Moshe Feldenkrais(1904-1984)在四十年代從一次意外膝頭重創後成功自我修復膝頭功能後悟出的。自此 Feldenkrais Method 傳遍全球,受益者包括以色列第一任總理 David Ben-Gurion。

    現今科學研究發現 Feldenkrais Method 屬於「神經可塑性」科學,可帶來多層面的身體和精神效益,而且效益都是變革性和可持續的。

    Feldenkrais Method《動作感知學習》就是用動作去感覺和知道身體應該怎樣協調,學習聆聽動作所帶來的信息,探索出毫不費力,自然而然,有效的活動方法。學懂這方法之後, 便可:用適合自己身體結構的方式活動,避免做出超出身體極限而不自知的動作。持久的學習將可啟動身體自我學習、自我完善的能力, 帶來身、心的改變。

    講者/導師:Wendy Wong 是獲 FELDENKRAIS® European Training and Accreditation Board 認證的 Awareness Through Movement® 練習者,亦是 FELDENKRAIS® Verband Österreich 奧地利 Feldenkrais Method 學會學員。

    Workshop: Feldenkrais Method “Awareness Through Movement”
    Speaker/Instructor: Wendy Wong
    Venue: Israel Booth Hall 1A-A33
    Language: Cantonese 

    Feldenkrais Method was founded by Dr Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), an Israeli nuclear scientist and Judo Master. Since then Feldenkrais Method has spread all over the world, with beneficiaries including the first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

    In the 40s, from his accidental knee injury, Dr Feldenkrais discovered a body awareness way to restore his knee function. Today's scientific research discovered the Method has 'neuroplastic' effects, which can bring about broad physical and mental improvements with transformational and lasting benefits.

    Through Feldenkrais Method, students can learn to listen to the ‘tune’ of their bodies and become aware of their movements, allowing them to explore ways to moving effortlessly, spontaneously, and efficiently. This means students can then be able to move in accordance to their bodies' design and structure, as opposed to unknowingly move beyond their body limit and ended up hurting themselves. Continuous learning of Feldenkrais Method will bring about self-learning and self-improvement mechanisms with body and mind benefits.

    Wendy Wong is certified to deliver Awareness Through Movement® lessons by FELDENKRAIS® European Training and Accreditation Board, and is a member of FELDENKRAIS® Verband Österreich.

    21/7 (星期日 Sun) 5:00-6:00pm 
    講者:以色列駐香港總領事館代表, 愛倫老師


    《The Little Spacecraft》是有關夢想和STEM課程的故事


    Children Book Reading
    Speakers: Israeli Consulate representative, Ms Ellen Ng
    Venue: Cultural Event Stage, Hall 1A Concourse
    Language: English & Cantonese

    In our first ever book reading event, Israeli Consulate representative and Ms Ellen Ng from Hong Kong will read two new children illustration books:

    “The Little Spacecraft” (English) is about dreams and STEM project
    “Grandpa’s Back Blocks Everything” (Chinese) is a warm story between a little boy and his grandpa

    Come with your family!   (There may be a change in the selection of books)

    22/7 (Mon) 4:00-5:00pm
    Seminar: “Israel: Small Country, Big Dreams” 
    Speaker: Ariel Lenga, Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong
    Venue: Cultural Event Stage, Hall 1A Concourse​
    Language: English 

    After eight years of development in February 2018, Israel launched its first unmanned four-legged spacecraft, a small robotic moon lander, weighing only 160 kilograms, by the binding name Beresheet” (“Genesis” in Hebrew).  

    The small “Beresheet” made her vast journey to the moon, 6.5 million kilometers of space, during 2 months. It was the longest runway ever made in attempt to land on the moon. 
    “Beresheet” was also the smallest and cheapest spacecraft to reach close to the moon.

    “Beresheet” is the creation of an Israeli nonprofit organization called SpaceIL, in collaboration with IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) and with contribution of ISA (Israel Space Agency) of the Department of Science and Technology. 

    This seminar will tell the amazing story of “Beresheet” and the people who stood behind this maverick space project. A powerful, inspiring Israeli story of dreams came true through sheer, determination, combined with teamwork, action plan and desire. 

    21/7 (星期日 Sun) 10:00am-10:00pm 
    地點:以色列展位  展覽廳1A-A33



    作者周庭溎 Wilson 將於7月21日(星期日),在香港書展以色列領事館攤位,解答旅遊以色列的問題。