
"Israel-Hong Kong Women-to-Women Bridge" Forum




    以色列駐香港總領事館和亞洲協會香港中心將於531日合辦 “Israel-Hong Kong Women-to-Women Bridge” 論壇,五位在以色列獨當一面的女性專程來港,分享成長經歷和在事業上的拚搏,互相發,並讓香港人更了解以色列在高科技創業、金融經濟、認知障礙症研究、STEM教育、猶太文化、女性在初創界地位等的最新突破和發展。

    Israel-Hong Kong: Women-to-Women Bridge 

    Half-Day Forum

    Friday, May 31, 2019 

    Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong in partnership with Asia Society Hong Kong Center

    9 Justice Drive, Admiralty

    Registration 08:30, Program 09:00, Close 13:30

    Throughout the 71 years since the establishment of the State of Israel, the people of Israel have transformed an agricultural kibbutz society into a start-up nation, and women play a significant part in its development and growth. 

    From the first Israeli female Prime Minister Golda Meir to the female Nobel Prize scientist and female pilots in the Israeli Air Force, women occupy prominent roles in Israel’s government, politics, legal, tech and business sector, social and cultural life. 

    Nowadays, Hong Kong has its first female Chief Executive, first female Stock Exchange chief, first female judges to join the city’s Court of Final Appeal and first female to lead the World Health Organization, with countless other outstanding women serving as principal government officials, legal and medical practitioners, in top management of banks and financial institutions, and as entrepreneurs and civic leaders. 

    Five outstanding Israeli women, each expert in their own fields of technology development and entrepreneurship, medical sciences, and finance and economy, will visit Hong Kong later this month for a dialogue with their counterparts at the forum “Israel-Hong Kong Women-to-Women Bridge” and other events. 


    The Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong in partnership with Asia Society Hong Kong Center will host the forum on May 31, 2019, with three panel discussions on innovation and technology, medical sciences, and finance and economy.


    The forum serves as a platform to connect generations of women and men from Israel and Hong Kong to celebrate, and be inspired and empowered by women, and to further enhance the economic, educational and cultural ties between Israel and Hong Kong.

    In various outreach programmes organsied by the Consulate, the Israeli speakers will meet with local businesswomen and entrepreneurs on women’s opportunities in the technology industry and Israel’s economy.


    They will also meet with local NGOs and community of Alzheimer’s disease, and speak to teachers and students at universities on STEM development and gender issues.


    Please read the biographies of the Israeli and Hong Kong speakers below and find out more about the forum through this link. 

    Panel I | Reaching Higher: Women Leadership in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology

    Panel II | Diving into the Brain: Scientific Breakthroughs and Research


    Panel III | Women Bridge Builders in Global Finance


    The forum is​ sponsored by KPMG, MizMaa Ventures and Withersworldwide

    and supported by AHAVA , El Al Israel Airlines and Holy Land Wines Company.

    Register online at https://ticketing.asiasociety.org.hk 

    Inquiry: +852 2821 7512, info@hongkong.mfa.gov.il