
Chinese New Year

    To celebrate the Chinese New Year, we have organized a little Chinese calligraphy workshop at the Consulate for our Israeli diplomats and colleagues. Watch the video on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/IsraelinHongKong) on February 16, 2018 (around noon time) to see how good we are.  

    We wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a great year of health, happiness and prosperity! 

    在農曆新年前夕,我們特別在領事館舉辦了一個小小的揮春工作坊,讓以色列總領事及其他領事和同事認識及嘗試中國書法,親身感受一下新春氣氛,錄映將於二月十六日中午上載至 領事館 Facebook 專頁 (https://www.facebook.com/IsraelinHongKong) 。
