
Nabeel Hayek in Hong Kong

    Voice of Music “Young Artists Competition” of Jerusalem is a very important music competition in Israel to discover and nurture young artists. Nabeel Hayek is the first prize winner of this competition last year and he will perform at a concert in Hong Kong next Thursday, Nov 16, at 7:30pm. He will also appear with local students. 

    We have reserved a limited number of free tickets for our followers, please contact us at info@hongkong.mfa.gov.il.

    耶路撒冷 Voice of Music “Young Artists Competition” 是發掘及培育以色列青年音樂家的重要比賽,奪得去屆第一名的 Nabeel Hayek 將來港並於下星期四(11月16日)晚上7:30舉行鋼琴演奏會,亦會與本地學生同台演出,有興趣的朋友請電郵至以色列領事館:info@hongkong.mfa.gov.il 索取免費門票,數量有限。