
Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister visited Hong Kong

  • Photo: Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mrs Tzipi Hotovely (third from left) received the EMT verification certificate from WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan (third from right) with the presence of the IDF Medical Corps delegation members

    以色列副外交部部長 Tzipi Hotovely 女士於112829日訪問香港,主要是在世界衛生組織在港舉行的會議演說,並代表以色列接受由世衛頒發給以色列國防軍醫緊急醫療隊的證書,以確認他們在世界各地發生突發災害時,能夠提供最高水準的救緩工作的資格。Hotovely 女士亦會見了世衛總幹事陳馮富珍女士、行政長官梁振英先生、猶太社團人士等。

    ​Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mrs Tzipi Hotovely visited Hong Kong during November 28-29, 2016


    Mrs Hotovely, with the presence of an Israel Defense Forces Medical Corps (IDF Medical Corps) delegation from Israel, was in town to receive an award given by the World Health Organization (WHO) in recognition of IDF Medical Corps’ emergency medical teams’ (EMT) high level of commitment, adherence and capability in foreign emergency medical teams in sudden onset disasters.    


    IDF Medical Corps is the first and only team so far that received the highest verification of EMT Type 3 status. 


    The certification presentation ceremony took place at the WHO EMT Global Meeting in Hong Kong by WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan, former Director of Health of Hong Kong. 

    Photo: Mrs Hotovely gave her remarks at the WHO EMT Global Meeting in Hong Kong


    Photo: At the WHO EMT Global Meeting in Hong Kong - Mrs Tzipi Hotovely at the Israeli booth showcasing the model of the IDF Medical Corps field hospital

    Photo: Mrs Hotovely (third from left) and Dr Margaret Chan (right) at a bilateral meeting


    While in Hong Kong, Mrs Hotovely has a meeting with HKSAR Chief Executive Mr C Y Leung on the subjects of smart city and technology co-operation.  They have known each other since Mr Leung’s official visit to Israel in October last year.  

    Photo: Mrs Hotovely and HKSAR Chief Executive Mr C Y Leung 

    Mrs Hotovely also took the time to visit Ohel Leah Synagogue and met with representatives of the Jewish and Israeli community in Hong Kong during a luncheon. 

    Photo: Rabbi Asher Oser and Mrs Hotovely in front of the Ohel Leah Synagogue