
Hong Kong companies meeting Israeli Technopreneurs

    12 Israeli companies from biomedical technology sector met with representatives of Hong Kong companies seeking for business and R&D collaboration opportunities at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation on April 13, 2016.
    This Israeli life sciences delegation represents a wide spectrum of Israel’s vigorous life science community, from innovative start-ups to established companies, with an array of innovative solutions and products, ranging from medical device, healthcare IT, pharmaceutical to mobile health.
    Under the Hong Kong-Israel R&D Cooperation Programme, if a Hong Kong company successfully collaborates with at least one Israeli company, it will be eligible to apply for a funding support which totals up to HK$10 million, based on a dollar-for-dollar matching basis, while the partner in Israel will be eligible for further support from the Israeli government.  The funding scheme is open to all sectors.  
    See details of the scheme and the profiles of the Israeli companies here >>
    Over the last decade, Israel has introduced a wealth of groundbreaking and valuable innovations in life sciences. Israel’s life sciences sector is supported by a strong foundation of academic excellence, including some of the world’s leading research institutes, renowned R&D facilities and cutting-edge medical centers. Bolstered by a highly skilled workforce, a flourishing high-tech environment, and an entrepreneurial spirit, Israeli companies have been joined by leading multinationals in making Israel a recognized force in the industry worldwide.
    Prior to 1996, Israel was home to 186 life sciences companies. By 2014, this number had passed 1,300. With some 70 new companies formed each year, 66% of all life sciences companies operating in Israel today were established during the last ten years. In a relatively short period of time, an impressive 34% of these companies have already begun to generate revenue, demonstrating that Israel has crossed the threshold from an attractive start-up arena to a source of advanced, commercially viable and promising businesses. The bridge connecting excellent science to revenue-generating companies has been established. As proof of the industry’s development, in 2014 life sciences exports reached $8.5 billion, an increase of 10% over 2010. A rich pipeline of seed companies promises to perpetuate current growth.