
Israeli FinTech delegation to Hong Kong


    ​For the first time, an Israeli FinTech delegation will visit Hong Kong on July 17, 2014.

    The delegation, comprised of 9 Israeli companies’ representatives, will meet with local financial institutions and their CIO’s, CTO’s and Information Security officers at a major event.

    Being known as the “Start-up Nation”, Israel is one of the world’s leading innovation hubs and it’s financial technology sector is no exception.  With hundreds of companies innovating in fields such as cyber security, foreign exchange, compliance, analytic and many others, Israel’s experience in FinTech is unique.

    We are happy to invite CIO’s, CTO’s and information security officers of financial institutions to join us. Please see the invitation here and the event page here.

    To see the list of visiting companies press here

    For more information please contact Ms. Winkie Lui, at 2821 7509 or e-mail to winkie.lui@israeltrade.gov.il.