
Special Announcement by Consul General

  • (from left) Mr Sagi Karni, Consul General of Israel, Meng Dong Yuan and Ms Lydia Yeung, Founder of Silver Lining Foundation (左起) 以色列駐香港及澳門總領事 高史歌先生, 小蒙, 雲彩行動創辦人 楊麥燕鳳女士
    May 5, 2014
    Tomorrow will be the 66th Independence Day of the State of Israel, a day of joy and pride for our country and people.

    I would like to inform you that on this occasion the Consulate has made a humble donation to the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children (SRDC) for an underprivileged child from mainland China to have a medical operation in Hong Kong.
    ​Meng Dong Yuan (Meng) is a 10‐year‐old underprivileged boy from rural Guangxi, China. He was abandoned shortly after his father’s death in 2009, but was rescued by his uncle & aunt despite their personal severe economic hardship. Meng was later brought to the care of Hong Kong charity organization the Silver Lining Foundation’s Care Centre in Guangxi.
    Meng suffered pain in his right femur and was diagnosed with Perthes disease. There is high chance of hip deformity and reduced movement of the hip joint, resulting in progressively worsening limp whilst walking.
    Unfortunately, there is no treatment for Perthes Disease in China. The pain affected Meng’s health and distracted him from his education. Given the urgency of Meng’s case, SRDC accepted the application for medical assistance to have corrective procedure at the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital in Sandy Bay.
    The surgery was successfully performed on April 28 and Meng is currently recovering at the hospital. To cheer Meng up the Consulate hosted a private party before his returning home at the donation presentation reception.
    The Consulate’s donation to the SRDC which covered the operation fee and transportation expenses of Meng and his uncle to Hong Kong, is taken from the Consulate’s budget fund of the traditional Independence Day celebration. This is a token of appreciation for the close friendship between Israel and Hong Kong, and mainland China.
    Sagi Karni
    Consul General of the State of Israel
    Hong Kong & Macau
    After the surgery, Meng is recovering at the Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital in Sandy Bay
    The presentation reception of Israel’s Independence Day donation to the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children (SRDC) for Meng Dong Yuan, an underprivileged child for a medical operation in Hong Kong, was held at Consul General’s residence, attending guests were (from left):
      Mrs Stephanie Karni, wife of Consul General of Israel;
      Ms Magdalena Cheung, General Manager of SRDC;
      Ms Lydia Yeung, Founder of Silver Lining Foundation;
      Dr Chow Wang, Chief, Division of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology,
          Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital in Sandy Bay;
      Meng Dong Yuan;
      Mrs Fanny Law, Member of the Executive Council;
      Mr Sagi Karni, Consul General of Israel;
      Mr Vivian Lee, Chairman of SRDC;
      Mr Johnny Wan, Executive Committee Member of SRDC;
      Mr Chris Yeung, Executive Officer of Silver Lining Foundation; and
      Ms Xia Lining, First Secretary of the Office of Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the
          Hong Kong SAR
      以色列駐香港及澳門總領事 高史歌夫人,
      受機構香港弱能兒童護助會總經理 張逸小,
      香港慈善機構雲彩行動創辦人 楊麥燕鳳女士,
      大口環根德公爵夫人兒童醫院矯形及創傷外兒童骨科主任 周宏醫生,
      病童 蒙東院,
      香港特別行政區行政會議成員 羅范椒芬女士,
      以色列駐香港及澳門總領事 高史歌先生,
      香港弱能兒童護助會主席 李偉文先生,
      香港弱能兒童護助會執行委員會委員 温頌安先生,
      雲彩行動總幹事 楊偉基先生,
      中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署一秘 夏力寧女士