2014 02 27 HKUST

Consul General Sagi Karni spoke at HKUST

    ​In the afternoon of February 20 in the campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Consul General Sagi Karni talked to the students and staff on how Israel has emerged as a start-up nation from being known historically as the land of milk and honey.
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    Consul General Karni introduced the historical background of Israel, a nation of immigrants with a society that encourages creativity, its national development from the kibbutz to the modernisation of agriculture, and it’s becoming the country that has the largest number of companies traded on the NASDAQ after the USA.
    Consider the limited size of the land and the population of Israel, necessity and defence needs have become the driving force for innovation and globalisation.  There are many success stories in the history of Israel’s technology development, including the more well-known examples of ICQ, Given Imaging and Intel Israel.  
    At the Dialogue with President session, HKUST’s President Prof. Tony Chan was particularly interested in why Israelis were so good at thinking outside the box.  He is also very positive in the recent co-operation among Israel, Hong Kong and China, including the signing of the MoU on bilateral co-operation in industrial research & development between the governments of Israel and the Hong Kong SAR, and the establishment of Technion Guangdong Institute of Technology at Shantou University, China, under the Li Ka Shing Foundation. 
    The talk ended with an opening discussion with students and staff.