20130916Chief Scientist

Israel's Chief Scientist visited Hong Kong

    Mr. Avi Hasson, Chief Scientist of Israel's Ministry of Economy, and his delegation visited Hong Kong during September 8-9.
    The delegates included Mr. Dovi Ollech, Advisor to Chief Scientist, and Mr. Avi Luvton, Executive Director Head of Asia Pacific Department at MATIMOP – Israeli Industry Center for R&D.
    In a program organized by the Economic and Trade Mission in the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong, they met with senior officials of the Hong Kong SAR Government - Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner of Innovation and Technology, and Mr. Simon Galpin, Director-General of Invest Hong Kong.
    Invest Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association organised a professional roundtable meeting with the local leading VCs companies in Hong Kong on September 9 at Invest Hong Kong's office.  This meeting was moderated by Mr. Charles Ng, Associate Director-General of Invest Hong Kong, and attended by 15 leading Venture Capitalists in Hong Kong.  Mr. Hasson gave an explicit presentation on "Israeli eco-system and the investment opportunities in Israel".  They exchanged professional views and insights on the potential business and investment opportunities between Israeli companies and Hong Kong companies.

    Miss Janet Wong, Commissioner of Innovation and Technology, hosted a luncheon meeting for Mr. Hasson and his delegation on September 9.  Consul General of Israel Mr. Sagi Karni attended the luncheon as well as senior representatives from Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, Water Supplies Department and the Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong SAR Government.
    The Office of the Chief Scientist in Israel’s Ministry of Economy is charged with execution of government policy for support of industrial R&D.  For more information about the Office of the Chief Scientist, please visit www.economy.gov.il/madan.htm and MATIMOP - Israeli Industry Center for R&D www.matimop.org.il.