
InvestHK delegation visited Israel

    ​In the latest InvestHK bimonthly newsletter, Israel is the focus as the Startup Nation. 
  • Charles Ng, Associate Director-General of InvestHK (left) and Jonathan Sternberg, InvestHK’s representative in Israel (Photo: InvestHK)
    A Hong Kong delegation comprising InvestHK senior management, university professors, venture capitalists and heads of private companies visited Israel in late July to meet Israeli investors, entrepreneurs, prominent venture capitalists, leading startups and large corporations such as RAD BioMed accelerator, Google Campus and IBM Global Technology Unit.
    The number of high-tech startups per capita in Israel is among the highest in the world. The visit highlighted the opportunities for Israeli entrepreneurs to use Hong Kong as a base to launch their business into Mainland China and across Asia Pacific.
    Established in July 2000 by the Hong Kong SAR Government, InvestHK’s vision is to strengthen Hong Kong’s status as the leading international business location in Asia.
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