2013 01 15 HKAF

Yasmin Levy & Ido Tadmor at HK Arts Festival 2013

    ​The Hong Kong Arts Festival is presenting two Israeli artists, singer Yasmin Levy and dancer Ido Tadmor, in its upcoming festival in 2013.
    A world music singer, Yasmin Levy grew up in Jerusalem, which she describes as a true melting pot of peoples and cultures. She has become an international singing sensation in Ladino, the language of the Spanish Jews in the Middle Ages.  After their expulsion from Spain in 1492, their exiles continued to preserve the Ladino language and culture, and pass down Ladino songs orally from generation to generation over a period of 500 years.
    In the Israeli Film Festival 2011 in Hong Kong, Yasmin Levy was first introduced to the people in Hong Kong in a documentary film “Ladino – 500 Years Young”, a film which follows Yasmin on a   concert tour through Spain where she would tread on her ancestors’ footsteps and rediscover her identity. Now, it is time to see her live in Hong Kong. One performance only.
        Yasmin Levy – Libertad
        9 Mar 2013 (Saturday) 8:30 pm
        Concert Hall, HK Cultural Centre
        Concert of 90 mins with no interval
        Ladino – 500 Years Young
        7 Mar 2013 (Thursday) 8:00pm
        agnès b. CINEMA, HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai
        Documentary film of 54 minutes
        Yasmin Levy’s website: http://www.yasminlevy.net/
    Ido Tadmor at Hong Kong Arts Festival
    Israeli dancer Ido Tadmor is one of the three choreographers/dancers performing at the Asia Pacific dance Platform this year. 
    A recipient of life achievement award Landau Prix in Israel, Tadmor was a lead dancer at Batsheva Dance Company (Israel) and Lar Lubovitch Dance Company (New York).
    In and Mr, Tadmor addresses the themes of identity, trauma and fading youth. Choreographed by Rachel Erdos, the work is set in a dimly-lit room where Tadmor confronts loneliness and constraints.
        and Mr (at Asia Pacific Dance Platform V)
        Choreographer: Rachel Erdos
        Dancer: Ido Tadmor
        15, 16 & 17 March 2013 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) 8:00pm
        Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre
        Dance performances of approx 1 hr 30 mins incl one interval
        Meet the Artists of the Asia Pacific Dance Platform
        16 March 2013 (Saturday) 9:30pm
        Black Box, Kwai Tsing Theatre
        Free admission