2012 05 03 Special Announcement

Special announcement

    Dear Friends,
    The State of Israel has always been famous for its innovation and creativity and it is in this spirit that we wish to make a change to our activities in Hong Kong this year.
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    Letter by HKSAR Chief Executive Letter by HKSAR Chief Executive
    Traditionally, every year the Israeli diplomatic missions abroad will celebrate Israel’s Independence Day with diplomatic corps, government officials, business and media sectors, as well as the Jewish and Israeli communities.
    This year, with the approval of our head office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we, the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong, have decided to make a contribution from the budget of our Independence Day celebration to the people in need in Hong Kong.
    This will serve as a token of appreciation for and acknowledgment of our close friendship and cooperation with the HKSAR Government.  
    This is also to express the generosity of the State of Israel.  We consider HKSAR as a center of excellence and as a true friend, and this friendship is one that we truly nurture and honor.
    In Judaism, there is great importance to "Netina" – giving, appreciating, and understanding.  We also nurture an approach not to take what we have for granted.  This year, we have the opportunity to share our spirit and values with the needy people of Hong Kong.
    After careful consideration, and with the advice of Secretary for Food & Health, we have decided to make our donation to the disabled children of Hong Kong.   
    I take pleasure in sharing with you, here enclosed, the letter of appreciation from Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr. Donald Tsang.
    The event in which the donation will be given will be held in a small and closed forum and will be covered by most of the leading newspapers and media in Hong Kong.
    I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Independence Day of the 64th year of the State of Israel. 
    May we always be in the position to do good on others and make a true difference to the world and to humanity.
    Ambassador Amikam Levy
    Consul General of Israel
    Hong Kong & Macau