2011 02 12 Restoration

Special Israeli film screening

    ​Following the success of the screening of Israeli film “Eli and Ben” in 2009 and the Israeli Film Festival 2011 in Hong Kong, the Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong hosted another special screening of Israeli film “Restoration” on 21 February 2012 at the Hong Kong Arts Centre. 
    ​This event is part of the framework of the Consulate for this year, to enhance the relationship between the two countries and to share knowledge of a unique industry from Israel.
    As Ambassador Levy said in the opening remarks, “Film is a common language for us, Israel and Hong Kong, as we both understand this industry and we have a great desire to co-operate on this.”
    Israel and Hong Kong have already established a closer bond through signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on cultural exchange in 2010 and through various cultural co-operation since then. 
    Mrs. Avia Lai, Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs of the HKSAR Government, graced the event as the guest of honour.  Among other guests were legislative councilors, government secretaries, diplomats, leaders of local cultural organisations and friends of the consulate.  
    The film “Restoration”, directed by Joseph Madmony and starring veteran Israeli actor Sasson Gabay, has won awards both in Israel and international film festivals. 
    In the past decade, Israeli films have received prizes and nominations of the most prestigious film awards around the world.  As the most recent example, Israel film "Footnote," up for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film this year, is Israel's fourth such nomination in the past five years, giving Israel more nominations during that period than any other country.
    It is an indication to the renaissance of Israeli cinema, in terms of the emergence of a new generation of talented filmmakers and  the radical advance of funding, both public and foreign funds that brought millions of dollars into the industry. 
  • Event photos
