2010 05 06 Minister of Finance and Minister of Environmental Protection visited HK

Israeli ministers visited HK

    Israel’s Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz and Minister of Environmental Protection Gilad Erdan paid an official visit to Hong Kong during 3-5 May 2010.
    The official delegation was on their way to inaugurate the Israeli Pavilion at World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
  • (From left) Israel’s Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz, Hong Kong SAR’s Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau and Israel's Minister of Environmental Protection Gilad Erdan at the welcome dinner
    While in Hong Kong, Minister Steinitz met a number of senior officials of the Hong Kong SAR Government, namely Financial Secretary John Tsang, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Rita Lau, Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau, Chairman of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited Ronald Arculli, and Director-General of Invest Hong Kong Simon Galpin.
    He also met Mr. Li Ka-shing, Chairman of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, as well as other leading local business people, and the trustees and leaders of the Hong Kong Jewish Community. 
    At a welcome dinner - hosted by Secretary Edward Yau, who has visited Israel last November - for his Israeli counterpart, Minister Erdan delivered a keynote speech on Israel’s experience in promoting green technology, as well as the potential of collaborations on green technology developments and applications between Israel and Hong Kong.  Local businessmen in leading industries were among the guests at the dinner. 
    A highlight of the visit was their presence - with speeches delivered - at the reception celebrating the 62nd Independence Day of the State of Israel on 4 May. “The visit expressed the importance Israel attaches to Hong Kong”, as Ambassador Amikam Levy, Consul General of Israel in Hong Kong, said at the event. 
    Their itinerary also included visits to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and EcoPark. 
    The delegation included Deputy Minister of Finance Yitzhak Cohen, Ministry of Finance Director General Haim Shani and leading business people.  