The Israel Festival 2013

The Israel Festival 2013

    The annual festival centered in Jerusalem hosts artists from Asia, from Europe, from America, from Australia, from almost every place.
    The Israel Festival started 52 years ago in Caesarea as a homegrown salute to classic music - from jazz to world music, theatre and dance. Over the years, it moved southeast and became a Jerusalem end-of-spring staple.
    These days, says General and Program Director Yossi Tal-Gan, "We host artists from Asia, from Europe, from America, from Australia, from almost every place. We try, if we can, to use the sights, the special sights, of the city."
    On this video, you'll see, for example, "Dressed to Dance," an exhibition at the historic Tower of David featuring flamenco dancers in authentic costumes by Picasso and Dali.
    "When you do it in a special historical ancient place, then it gives you a special atmosphere and a benefit that you cannot get it in any other place in the world," says Tal-Gan.