Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan Meets Pope Francis

Amb. Schutz and Amb. Dani Dayan Meet Pope Francis

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     copyright: Vatican Media
    Ambassador Raphael Schutz accompanied the Yad Vashem: World Holocaust Center, Jerusalem Chairman, Ambassador Dani Dayan, to a private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis, at the Vatican. After the meeting, Mr. Dayan on behalf of Yad Vashem, donated to the Pope a replica of a synagogue painting depicting the Ten Commandments being given to the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai. The original painting was recovered in the 1990s from an abandoned synagogue in Romania and is now kept on display in the Yad Vashem Synagogue. It is one of the few remaining Jewish relics that weren’t destroyed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

    After the meeting they joined for lunch at the ambassador's residence. Among the distinguished guests: Ambassador Dani Dayan, Rav Di Segni, Mons. Whachowski, Father Hofmann, Paolo Ruffini, & the members of the Yad Vashem delegation.