Interview Amb. Oren David

Interview with Ambassador Oren David

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    27th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See. Interview with Ambassador Oren David
    "Pope John Paul II is undoubtedly a cornerstone [...] his strong message of reconciliation laid the foundation for good relations today." The Israeli ambassador to the Holy See, Oren David, told Aleteia; interviewed on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See (June 15, 1994).
    "Pope Francis's continued appeals against anti-Semitism demonstrate the importance of our relationships." Oren David claimed that he presented his credentials to Pope Francis on October 27, 2016. He was born in Israel. He is married. He has a degree in Political Science and International Relations (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and a Master's degree in Political Science (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). He has held various positions in his long diplomatic career.
    - You promoted on June 14, 2019 an act in the Great Temple of Rome to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See. The Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin was the guest of honor. Dr. Di Segni, Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome, acted as host. What consequences did this celebration have on the continuity of relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See?
    I fondly remember this event. It was a special day in which there was great participation from the Curia, the Diplomatic Corps before the Holy See, the Pontifical and Catholic Universities, the press, members of the Jewish community and many friends. It was also the first time that a Secretary of State of the Holy See made an official visit and a speech in the Great Temple in Rome.
    Therefore, we can say that this event was historic because it sanctioned the maturity of our relationships, giving greater impetus to dialogue and strength to our friendship.
     The Great Temple of Rome has welcomed the presence of various Popes in recent decades, beginning with the visit of Saint John Paul II on April 13, 1986, a presence that is a visible sign of the transformation of relations between Christians and Jews in the last 50 years. How and why does the figure of John Paul II continue to be an important presence for the celebration of the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the Holy See?
    Pope John Paul II is undoubtedly a cornerstone of our relationships. His unforgettable visit to the Templo Mayor was not the result of chance, but was preceded and followed by numerous condemnations of anti-Semitism, including the apology to the Jewish people for all the suffering inflicted in the countries with a Christian majority and for its reference to anti-Semitism. as "sin against God and against humanity."
    History is made by men and young Karol Wojtyla witnessed the tragedy of the Shoah that also affected his Jewish friends in Poland. His strong message of reconciliation made possible the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two states and laid the foundations for good relations today.Link to the interview