Fifth Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion in Bologna

Fifth Annual Conference of the EuARe in Bologna

    Fifth Annual Conference of the European Academy of Religion in Bologna


    EuARe2022  "Fratelli Tutti: un appello alla tolleranza" panel hosted by the Embassy of Israel at the Holy Sea & Fondazione per le scienze religiose is underway.

    “The Encyclical Brothers All (Fratelli Tutti) is an appeal to solidarity without borders, an invitation to be open to the other. The idea of fraternity is not intrinsic to the human soul, but rather, it has to be nurtured, as a process of personal growth, that each of us should realize.

    According to Rabbi Hillel, who lived in Jerusalem at the time of Herod the Great, this is the very essence of the biblical message. In the Talmud it is said that to those who wished to know the whole Torah, Hillel replied: “‘That which is hateful to you, do not do unto your fellow’. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary; now go and learn.”

    We must hope for a future of peace, and learn to work together in order to protect the next generations and ensure their well-being. We also need to take care of our common home, damaged by human greed, and strive to heal it in accordance with the Jewish concept of Tiqqun 'olam, literally “repairing the world”, a concept that fits perfectly into the concepts expressed in the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti.”

    The Art in the Shoah exhibition brings us back to the horrors committed by humankind when itstopped seeing​ng the reflection of its own humanity in the eyes of the other.


     Speakers: Card. Matteo Maria Zuppi;

    Prof. Alberto Melloni; Rabbi Sermoneta ; Amb. Raphael Schutz.