Apurahat opintoihin Israelissa 2019-20 julkaistu

Apurahat opintoihin Israelissa 2019-20 julkaistu

    ​Hakuaika Israelin valtion apurahoihin suomalaisille opiskelijoille opintoihin Israelissa kesällä 2019 ja lukuvuonna 2019-20 on alkanut.
    Israelin valtion apurahat 2019-20
    Israelin valtio myöntää vuosittain valtioiden kahdenvälisiin sopimuksiin perustuvia apurahoja ulkomaisille opiskelijoille.
    Vuonna 2019 apuraha myönnetään kahdelle suomalaiselle hakijalle joko koko lukuvuoden mittaiseen opiskeluun tai tutkimustyöhön Israelin korkeakouluissa tai heprean tai arabian kielen ulpan-kurssiin Haifan yliopistossa.
    Hakijoilla tulee olla vähintään alempi korkeakoulututkinto, ja heidän tulee olla alle 35 vuoden ikäisiä.
    Scholarships offered by the Israeli government to foreign students
    Academic year 2019-2019

    The Government of Israel is pleased to offer scholarships to Finnish students, as agreed in the Cultural Agreements between Israel and Finland.

    Two Finnish applicants will be granted a Scholarship for either
    ·         One full academic year or research studies in Israeli Universities and institutes of higher education
    ·         Intensive Hebrew or Arabic language summer course in Haifa University
    Basic Requirements:
    ·         The applicant should hold a BA or BSc degree (or higher) and have a good record of academic achievement.
    ·         The applicant should be a citizen of Finland. Note: applicants holding Israeli citizenship are not eligible for the MFA scholarship.
    ·         The applicant must be below age 35 (at the beginning of the academic year).
    ·         Proof of English or Hebrew language proficiency.
    ·         The applicant should meet the academic requirements of the Israeli University to which he/she applies. A scholarship will be granted only after the required institute approves the acceptance of the candidate. NOTE: The applicants must also apply for the requested program once the application period of the program starts. Please be in direct contact with the respective University or Institution for application procedure details.

    Terms and Conditions:
    The full-year scholarship covers:
    ·         50% of the tuition fee, up to the amount of 6000 USD
    ·         Monthly allowance of 850 USD for the 8 months of the academic year (note: accommodation arrangements must be made by the applicants by themselves)
    ·         Basic health insurance
    ·         Student visa
    The Summer Ulpan scholarship covers:
    ·         4 week (approximately) language studies (Hebrew or Arabic)
    ·         300 USD for living expenses
    ·         Boarding in a room for 2
    ·         Basic health insurance
    ·         Transportation and travel arrangements to and from Israel are the applicant's responsibility.
    ·         Please note that double scholarships from other Israeli foundations are not allowed
    ·         Scholarships will be granted only for study in universities and programs approved by the Israeli Council for Higher Education, excluding medical, dental and veterinary studies.
    ·         Looking for a suitable University or College and program? Check the Study in Israel website of the Israeli Council for Higher Education.
    Submission of Application
    Before downloading and filling out the application forms, please carefully read these important instructions.
    Applications should include:
    1.       Cover letter describing how the scholarship and studies in Israel would benefit your studies and career
    2.       Completed application form - Download application forms
    3.       Curriculum Vitae
    4.       Detailed letter describing the field the applicant intends to study in Israel, specifying the University he/she wishes to attend
    5.       Copies of letters exchanged with the Israeli university or college in question, or in the case of a research or post doctorate – the relevant Israeli supervisor. Not required for Ulpan Scholarship.
    6.       Official original academic records (or verified copies) of all relevant studies and test scores, diplomas attesting the completion of an academic degree, including a transcript of the student's records
    7.       At least two (2) letters of recommendation from lecturers/professors who taught the candidate
    8.       Three (3) photographs
    Applicants pre-selected by the Embassy of Israel as primary candidates must also provide
    9.       Certificate of health (use the form on the last 2 pages of the application form file), signed and stamped by a doctor
    10.   Proof of required language skills required for the studies or research: Hebrew or English (GMAT / IELTS / GRE / TOEFL). Not required for Ulpan scholarship.
    ·         All of the above should be printed in English and submitted in three (3) copies to the Israeli Embassy for Finland.
    ·         The deadline for the submission of scholarship applications is
    Monday December 10th 2018 The applications must reach the Embassy    on this date the latest.
    Send the application documentation to
    Embassy of Israel
    Yrjönkatu 36 A
    00100 Helsinki
    ·         The Embassy of Israel makes a pre-selection of primary candidates and sends their applications to the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    ·         Final decision regarding the granting of a scholarship will be made by the Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs, around late June of each year.
    ·         The MFA will notify the candidate of his/her acceptance to the scholarship program.
    If you have questions about the scholarship, please contact
    Embassy of Israel
    Email - tel. +358-9-68120225