MFA comments on hunger strike by Palestinian Islamic Jihad activist

Hunger strike: Palestinian Islamic Jihad activist

  •   MFA comments on hunger strike by Palestinian Islamic Jihad activist
    ​Israel is doing, and will continue to do, all it can to ensure the health of the PIJ activist. However, it should be noted that the hunger strikes are being used as a political tool by terrorists, and by terrorist organizations. ​


    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Democratic countries around the world face the challenges presented by hunger strikes. While the state has the responsibility to protect the lives of people in its custody and to safeguard their health, the state also needs to respect an individual’s right to refuse food as a method of protest. The Israel Prisons Service is obligated to respect the free will and autonomy of all prisoners and detainees, and to guarantee humane treatment at all times. Thus, comprehensive medical care is given to all prisoners and detainees, while respecting their independent decisions and free will.
    With regards to Mr. Al-Akhras, it must be noted that he is recognized by the Israeli Supreme Court as a prominent activist of the "Palestinian Islamic Jihad" (PIJ), a designated terrorist organization, among others by the EU itself.  The reason he was originally placed under administrative detention was his personal involvement in PIJ activities that threatened the region, his extremist behavior and incitement.        
    As stated in the past, several actions have since been taken to preserve his health while he continues the hunger strike.

    His case is under continuous judicial review by the Supreme Court, which has led to the suspension of his administrative detention. 

    Unfortunately, he rejected the court's proposal according to which he will stop the hunger strike, and the administrative detention order would not be prolonged beyond 26/11. 

    Mr. Al-Akhras is in Kaplan Hospital, where his health situation is being closely monitored by medical professionals and all medical care is available to him. There is therefore no medical requirement for him to be moved to a different facility. Currently, Mr. Al-Akhras is not being guarded by the Israeli Prison Service, and is permitted to meet freely with whomever he chooses.
    Israel is doing, and will continue to do, all it can to ensure the health of Mr. Al Akhras. However, it should be noted that the hunger strikes are being used as a political tool by terrorists, and by terrorist organizations. 

    The "Palestinian Islamic Jihad" is a terrorist organization recognized by the EU. It is extremely disappointing that the EU supports such a campaign.