1st World Science Conference Israel

The 1st World Science Conference - Israel (WSCI)

  •   An initiative of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Nobel Laureate Prof. Roger Kornberg, and the Ministry of Science and Technology
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    World Science Conference Israel World Science Conference Israel
    ​The World Science Conference - Israel (WSCI) brings young students from all around the world for an intensive one week program. During the conference the participants will have a chance to attend lectures, to interact, and to be inspired by Nobel Laureates of various fields, Wolf Prize and Fields Medal winners as well as other leading scientists from around the world. The students will also experience a unique opportunity to meet and get to know some 400 bright students from five continents all around the globe, among them, probably included some of the next generation leading scientists.


    Nobel laureate Professor Roger Kornberg, Chairman of the WSCI Academic Committee noted that "The WSCI is unprecedented in both the bridging of disciplines and outreach to youth from all over the world as well as in number of Nobel Laureates and eminent scientists participating. As such, the WSCI will provide a unique platform for inspiration, dialogue and discussion between promising young talents and the attending Nobel Laureates & eminent scientists."


    Dr. Dore Gold, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated: "We are proud and gratified by the tremendous response to this conference. Hundreds of the brightest students from the best universities in the world, as well as the prominent Nobel laureates, have come to Israel to take part in the biggest scientific conference of its kind. The initiative to hold such a unique international event goes hand-in-hand with the diversity of Israel's activities in the areas of science and technology around the world, which have earned Israel its reputation as a powerhouse in scientific-technological innovation and progress."


    This "once in a life time experience" will encourage the young participants to take up the challenge of advancing science and technology in the next generation. It will also help to develop international friendships and cooperation among students from all over the world. It will transcend barriers of nationality and geographical distance, forging personal contacts among young people, creating young "Science Ambassadors" of tolerance and understanding.


    The WSCI is designed as a unique Israeli model that emphasizes the strengths, advantages and outstanding features of the "Israeli spirit" of innovation, creativity and groundbreaking thinking that successfully combines basic and applied science in Israel. As part of its program, alongside the activities for the young scientists, the WSCI will include special sessions that will bring the Nobel laureates and eminent members of the academia together with leading figures of the industry from Israel and abroad, with the aim to discuss and explore ways to advance the mutual connections between fundamental science and its applications.


    Most of the activities of the WSCI will be held on the Hebrew University's Edmund J. Safra Campus on Givat Ram and will offer the participants a generous portions of fundamental science in the spheres of physics, chemistry, the life sciences, and mathematics from the Nobel laureates and the best scientific minds in those areas in Israel and around the world. Furthermore, the WSCI is planned to offer the guests a unique and diverse Israeli experience.


    The 400 young scientists who will participate in the WSCI were carefully selected and they are among the "best-of-the-best" in their countries, among them many who have won national and international science competitions. The participants will arrive as part of national delegations from over 70 countries worldwide and they will be accompanied by senior scientists and educators from their countries that will serve as heads of delegations.


    WSCI is planned to be a long-term and a unique international platform and a center for excellence that we hope will benefit and encourage young scientists to be from all over the world for many years to come.

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  • ​​
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with 15 Nobel sciences laureates

    ​"I'm very glad to see you here and I think it's a unique privilege for me personally and I think also for the state, both the conference that you're coming in for – science – but also this time in history, in human history where knowledge and more importantly insight is developing at a rapid pace and we are at the point where we might partake of it. There is still a great battle between modernity and medievalism, early medievalism, which is being waged around us. We're in the vortex of that battle, but I have no doubt that ultimately modernity wins. It always does, but sometimes at great cost.

    No one makes peace with the weak. No one. And so we have to be powerful for peace and for our future and for the prosperity of our people and for modernity to beat medievalism. I view the core of that power, the engine that is represented in this room right now, that's the core of our power: the power of the mind. That's what we need and that's what you represent and that's what we admire."

  • ​15 Nobel laureates under one roof

    Nobel Laureates participating in the conference:

    • Prof. Zhores I. Alferov, Physics, 2000
    • Prof. Sidney Altman, Chemistry, 1989
    • Prof. Robert J. Aumann, Economic Sciences 2005
    • Prof. Aaron Chiechanover, Chemistry, 2004
    • Prof. Steven Chu, Physics 1997
    • Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Physics, 1997
    • Prof. David J. Gross, Physics 2004
    • Prof. Roger D. Kornberg, Chemistry 2006
    • Sir Prof. Harold W. Kroto, Chemistry, 1996
    • Prof. Elon Lindenstrauss, Fields Medal, 2010
    • Prof. Richard J. Roberts, Physiology or Medicine 1993
    • Prof. Dan Schechtman, Chemistry 2011
    • Prof. Harold E. Varmus, Physiology or Medicine, 1989
    • Prof. Arieh Warshel, Chemistry 2013
    • Prof. Ada Yonath, Chemistry, 2009