ukraine war

Israel votes to suspend Russia from the UNHRC

  •   Israel supports UNGA resolution to suspend Russia's UN Human Rights Council membership
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson - Last updated - April 11)

    Last Thursday, Israel supported a UN General Assembly resolution to suspend Russia's membership on the UN Human Rights Council in the wake of the war in Ukraine, Russia's unjustified invasion of Ukraine, and the killing of innocent civilians. 

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid: "Today's vote doesn't change our position regarding the UN Human Rights Council, which is an extremist, morally flawed, biased, and in its very essence, an anti-Israel body that has been exploited as a political tool since its establishment by the world's main human rights violators in order to, among other things, attack Israel."

    Israel, while trying to maintain an even-handed approach to the conflict in order to facilitate peace talks, has been actively involved in humanitarian relief in the Ukraine, including the shipment of materials and the opening of a field hospital, staffed by Israeli doctors and nurses.​

    Israel's Ukraine Field Hospital - the only of its kind operated by a foreign nation​

    Israel's field hospital began receiving patients on March 22. The fruit of an impressive airlift of both people and equipment, the hospital includes a  labor and delivery room, adult and pediatric wards, laboratory and imaging, and all utilizing remote technologies with the Sheba Medical Centre.

    An initiative of Israel's Prime Minister’s Office, the Health Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sheba & Schneider med centres, Clalit, the Schusterman Foundation, the JDC and many more,  the move is a meaningful signal about Israel’s relationship to the western alliance confronting Russia’s invasion.

    Israel's mobile medical facilities are amongst the finest in the world, first employed in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, in Japan the following year in response to an earthquake and tsunami, in the Philippines in 2013, and its largest-ever 60-bed field hospital in Nepal in 2015.

    At the Diplomatic Nexus​

    Last Saturday Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid departed for diplomatic visits to two countries bordering Ukraine - Romania and Slovakia. During his visit, Lapid met with Israeli Foreign Ministry personnel who have been assisting relief efforts in the field for over two weeks. He also met with heads of state and discuss with them the situation in Europe and bilateral relations. 

    The previous day (March 10),  Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke with UN Secretary-General António Guterres. The two discussed the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian citizens.

    The meeting follows PM Bennett's meeting on Tuesday with former US Vice Pr​esident Mike Pence at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem., where they discussed the Iranian nuclear agreement and the implications upon it of the situation in Ukraine.

    Last week, Bennett met Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin along with Construction and Housing Minister Zeev Elkin, who assisted with translation National Security Advisor and Director of the National Security Council Dr. Eyal Hulata, Diplomatic Advisor Shimrit Meir and the Prime Minister’s Spokesperson, Matan Sidi.

    The following Sunday, he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy - their third conversation in several days.

    On Saturday, Bennett met Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin along with Construction a​nd Housing Minister Zeev Elkin, who assisted with translation National Security Advisor and Director of the National Security Council Dr. Eyal Hulata, Diplomatic Advisor Shimrit Meir and the Prime Minister’s Spokesperson, Matan Sidi.

    The following day, he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy - their third conversation in several days.

    On Monday, Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Latvia to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the continuation of joint efforts to stop a brutal and unnecessary war.

    “The world order is changing before our eyes," Lapid told the press after the meeting. “Israel is assisting in the mediation effort together with Germany and France, but we continue to condemn the Russian invasion. There is no justification for violating Ukrainian sovereignty and killing innocent civilians.

    “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Bennett, Israel is maintaining continuous contact with Russia and President Putin as well as with Ukraine and President Zelenskyy. We have one goal: to stop the war and prevent more suffering and victims."

    Lapid reiterated the importance of maintaining interests with Russia regarding their presence in Syria alongside Iranian forces but said that "we are committed to the safety and security of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Israelis in Russia and Ukraine."

    He repeated the call for the opening of safe humanitarian corridors and an immediate ceasefire that will allow for negotiations.

    “This war is a reminder to the State of Israel: we have friends, and we have allies, but our security always needs to be only in our hands," Lapid said. "What keeps us alive in a dangerous world, is the fact we have an army. A strong and smart army. An army which will protect the State of Israel.”​

    Taking in the refugees

    Meanwhile, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked announced this week that the State of Israel will host about 25,000 citizens of Ukraine.
    In the first and immediate stage, Israel will grant temporary protection from repatriation for approximately 20,000 Ukrainian citizens who were present in Israel before the outbreak of fighting, most of them without any legal status. This will be until the danger subsides.
    In addition, it was determined that Israel would grant entry and stay for 5,000 additional Ukrainian citizens who have fled the fighting in their country. Initially, they will be given a temporary visa for three months. Should the fighting continue beyond this time, all those present in Israel will be allowed to work.
    Every Ukrainian citizen who wants to come to Israel within the framework of the new program will be able to apply online through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. No other conditions will be required except for a short background check.
    At the same time, Israeli citizens will be able to apply to invite Ukrainian citizens, up to one nuclear family per applicant, and they will be given priority as far as possible, in order to facilitate the hosting process in Israel.

    Shaked - over 100,000 expected

    Interior Minister Shaked said that in addition to the unprecedented number of Ukrainian citizens who may stay in Israel until the danger subsides, the country is expected to absorb in the coming weeks and months around 100,000 Ukrainians who are fleeing the fighting, within the framework of the Law of Return.
    Ukrainians fleeing the war, both those who have a Jewish background and their families will be able to come to Israel and receive full citizenship. Therefore, Israel is expected to be one of the world's leading countries of destination and refuge for Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war, both in absolute numbers and certainly based on the country’s size.

    Israel votes for UN condemnation​

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid said at a press briefing yesterday last Monday (28 February 2022) that "Israel will co-sponsor and vote in favor of a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine together with a decisive majority of the world’s countries.​

    “Israel is thoroughly examining the potential impact of sanctions on Russia. We have established an inter-ministry team that will examine the effects and consequences of the sanctions on the Israeli economy and policy.

    “At the same time, Israel will be part of the international effort to assist the people of Ukraine. We have a moral, historical, and ethical obligation to be part of this effort...

    “Israel has been and will be on the right side of history. Those are our values. Our most important ally has been and will be the United States, but our American partners also understand there are two points that we need to be mindful of and require us to be careful. 

    “First, Israel effectively has a security border with Russia. Russia is the most significant military power in Syria, and our cooperation mechanism with them assists in our determined battle against Iranian entrenchment on our northern border. 

    “The second point is that about 4,000 Israelis have already left Ukraine with the assistance of Ministry of Foreign Affairs personnel, but there are still thousands of Israelis there, and around 180,000 people eligible for the Law of Return. ​

    Leaving Nobody Behind

    “Ukraine is home to heavy fighting, but we are obligated to a sacrosanct commitment that we will do everything to not leave any Israeli behind, or any Jew behind. This is why there is a Jewish state. It’s our obligation... 

    “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has managed over the past five days one of the most complicated operations in the history of Israel. I had a conversation with a Ministry staff member at the Medyka crossing, on the Poland-Ukraine border. He hadn’t slept for 48 hours and wasn’t the only one. 

    “This is a significant organizational effort. A diplomatic and political effort. It’s a developing situation that’s very far from ending, but our organizing principle is clear: we are taking care of Israelis, we are taking care of Jews, and our hearts are with the citizens of Ukraine.”

    100 Tons of Aid - Delivered - child cancer victims saved

    Yesterday (March 8), Israel’s Ambassador to Romania, David Saranga, and embassy staff initiated a rescue operation to save ten Ukrainian children sick with cancer

    The rescue operation was made possible thanks to Schneider Children’s Medical Center, which sent a medical team and a special plane to bring the children to Israel.

    The children and their parents arrived from the hospital in Kyiv, and they are on their way to Israel on a special flight for lifesaving treatment.

    Last week, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ MASHAV Division - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation - shipped about 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine through Warsaw.

    In accordance with a decision by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid, the humanitarian aid will include 17 tons of medical equipment and medicine (donated by Israel’s Ministry of Health), Israeli systems for water purification and an emergency kit for water supply (in coordination with the Water Authority), as well as thousands of tents, blankets, sleeping bags, and coats.​
    Cancer patients on their way to Israel. Photo courtesy: Embassy of Israel, Bucharest

    A Violation

    Foreign Minister Lapid last week stated that "the Russian attack on Ukraine is a serious violation of international order. Israel condemns the attack and is ready and prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine. Israel is a war-torn country and realizes that war is not the way to resolve conflicts."

    "Israel has deep, long, and good relations with Russia and with Ukraine," he continued. "There are tens of thousands of Israelis in both countries, there are hundreds of thousands of Jews in both countries, maintaining their security and safety are at the top of our system of considerations... Nativ personnel and Agency personnel located in Ukraine are risking their lives to provide assistance. Earlier this week I ordered the evacuation of our embassy in Kyiv, moving it to offices in the city of Lviv, near the Polish border. I call on every Israeli citizen to leave Ukraine immediately and reach the border crossings as long as the roads are open... We (have) coordinated in advance with Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova the safe and smooth departure of Israelis, and I thank the governments there for the assistance and goodwill."
    The ministry spokesman has stated that Israel is ready and willing to immediately transfer humanitarian assistance to Ukraine according to its needs and is in contact with the Ukrainian authorities regarding the matter. We continue to engage in dialogue with its partners on ways to get the diplomatic efforts back on track.

    A call to stranded ​citizens

    The MFA calls on all Israeli citizens in Ukraine to follow the reports in the media and obey the instructions of local security forces. 
    Israeli embassies in the region have sent representatives to major border crossings according to the list below:

    Medyka crossing to Poland
    Vysne Nemescke crossing to Slovakia
    Zahony crossing to Hungary
    Sighet crossing to Romania
    An Israeli representative will be posted to the Planca crossing to Moldova later today.
    Israeli citizens requiring assistance or guidance may call the MFA Situation Room in Jerusalem at the following numbers: 

    02-530 3155
    Embassy hotlines in Ukraine are also available:

    +380 67 770 3536
    +380 67 770 4216
    Hotline - Law of Return Department:
    +380 50 366 2560

    The MFA calls on Israeli citizens residing in Ukraine to register with the embassy.​​