
Battling Human Trafficking

  •   Combating trafficking in persons at the national level
    Communicated by the Ministry of National Security

    ​The Ministry of National Security held a meeting today, to sum up the activity of the inter Ministerial team on improving enforcement in combatting trafficking in persons. 

    The meeting with US Department of State representative Christine Anne Leming was led by Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of National Security Eliezer Rosenbaum and officials from the various bodies partnering in combatting this issue, including the Israel Police, the Israel Prison Service, the Ministry of Justice, the Office of the State Attorney, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services, the Population and Immigration Authority, and the Ministry of Economy and Industry. 

    The meeting addressed the main achievements of the Government Ministries in combating trafficking in persons at the national level as well as key components in the inter-Ministerial work plan.

    Deputy Director-General Eliezer Rosenbaum said, "Combating trafficking in persons is not only a national obligation, but also our moral obligation as the Jewish People. The Ministry of National Security is working intensively to eradicate the phenomenon by integrating the work of the criminal and civil enforcement agencies and civil society organizations. The aim is to come up with innovative responses that combine regulation, technology and other measures".