shana tova

Shana Tova

    ​With the advent of the Jewish New Year, we all wish you joy and success - a year of happiness and health.

    This coming Monday night, on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei, 5782 years after the commencement of the world - according to Jewish tradition, we celebrate the first day of God's creation, eagerly awaiting the sixth day, on which he created Man and when we celebrate the Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur.

    Betwix the two, we go out to those we may have hurt and ask for their forgiveness, for now is the time to start anew, a chance to better ourselves in the past.

    And they must open their hearts and forgive, for - as the great Jonathan Sacks once said: "In a world without forgiveness, evil begets evil, harm generates harm, and there is no way short of exhaustion or forgetfulness of breaking the sequence. ...At times it is the only path through the thickets of hate to the open spaces of coexistence.”
    And so, before we tire, before we forget all that preceded us, let us join hands in prayer and hope for a better year to come.