
PM meets US Sec of Def.

  •   PM Netanyahu Meets with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, eulogizes Topol
    ​Befo​re leaving for Rome today to meet with the Italian Prime minister, ​Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and said at the start of their meeting:

    "I am delighted to welcome Secretary Austin once again to Israel. We have a common agenda to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and preventing Iran's aggression, maintaining the security and prosperity of this region and seeking to expand the circle of peace. That is an important agenda, I look forward to our discussion."

    Also attending the meeting were Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, National Security Council Director Tzachi Hanegbi, the Prime Minister's Chief-of-Staff Tzachi Braverman and the Prime Minister's Military Secretary Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil.

    Following the meeting, Mr. Netanyahu said: "I have just finished an important and comprehensive meeting with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. I very much appreciated his remarks on behalf of President Biden, as well as the US commitment to Israel's security, also on behalf of the President. Our conversation focused primarily on our joint efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
    If anyone in Tehran thinks that Iran can make unhindered progress toward nuclear weapons, they are mistaken.
    I discern a change in the approach to Iran in recent months, both in the US and in the countries of Western Europe, and in the West in general. I see a need and an obligation to try and strengthen a more assertive approach with Iran. Of course, this will be at the center of my meeting with the Italian Prime Minister just as it was at the center of my meeting with President Macron. I intend to hold similar talks with principal European leaders in the near future."

    Chaim_Topol_1971.jpgThe PM also sent his condolences to the Topol family upon the death of screen and stage luminary Haim Topol at the age of 88: "My wife Sara and I, like all Israeli citizens, with deep sorrow, are saying farewell to our dear and beloved Haim Topol, who was one of the State of Israel's greatest artists. He greatly loved the land of Israel, and the people of Israel loved him in return.
    Topol was a multi-faceted artist, with great charisma and energy. He proudly represented Israel around the world and received international recognition of a kind that few have received. His plays and films were extraordinary experiences. Thanks to his broad smile, warm voice, and unique sense of humor, he was a popular figure who conquered the heart of the people.
    Topol had a huge heart. He fervently supported the justice of Israel's path and enthusiastically believed in the Zionist vision. He expressed these views openly, around the world. At the same time, Topol helped sick and special needs children, out of a deep desire to contribute to the resilience of Israeli society.
    Eight years ago, I had the privilege of awarding Topol the Israel Prize. I told him how proud of him we all were. Whether he was playing Salah Shabati, Tevye the milkman, or Milos Columbo alongside James Bond. Topol remained modest and loved people.
    Sadly, the fiddler on the roof is no longer with us. The strings of the fiddle have fallen silent. The story of Haim Topol's life has been sealed but I am certain that his contribution to Israeli culture will live on for generations. 
    Sara and I convey our sincere condolences to his family. May his memory be blessed."​