
Aid worker admits to funding terror organization

  •   Juana Rashmawi has admitted to helping defraud European donors, providing funds to a designated terror organization.
    ​Israel’s Military Court yesterday convicted a Union of Health Committees worker of helping transfer funds to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, according to the IDF spokesman.

    Juana Rashmawi confessed she had provided service to an illegal entity and transferring funds from European donors amounting to millions of Israeli Shekels for several years illegally as part of a plea agreement. Organization officials forged documents to defraud donors.

    Ms Rashmawi admits that she continued these activities, even after learning that the organization's Finance Director had financed terrorist attacks against the State of Israel during his tenure.

    Israel’s Ambassador to Ireland, Lironne Bar-Sadeh said, “I am quite certain that Ms Rashmawi represents merely the tip of an iceberg. Historically, we have seen that terrorist organizations have far less compunction in taking advantage of humanitarian organizations than we do in investigating them.”

    The defendant has been in custody since April 13, 2021; sentence will be handed down on November 17, 2021.

     “Unfortunately, we have a long history of terror organizations transporting missiles in ambulances, hiding bombs under schools and habitually using the general population as human shields,” Amb. Bar-Sadeh continued. “This is just one more indication of how people need to withhold judgement until all the facts are known.”

    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) pioneered armed aircraft-hijackings and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of civilians in – among others – the attack on Ben Gurion Airport in 1972, a Jerusalem synagogue in 2014, and many other public venues. The ‘Union of Health Committees’ organization has been operating within the framework of the PFLP and was declared an illegal entity in Israel several years ago and in Judea and Samaria in early 2020.

    Israel’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman states that “this admission of guilt is proof that the PFLP is a terrorist organization that has been operating a network of civil society organizations with the goal of fraudulently raising funds from donors and countries in order to fund the terrorist group’s activities. The six humanitarian organizations recently designated as abetting terror are an inseparable part of the PFLP, engaged in terrorist financing under civilian cover.

    “This ongoing investigation proves without a doubt fraudulent activity and terror funding. The international community needs to recognize that a terrorist organization that engages in terror and murder, but also conducts other activities, is still a terrorist organization.”​