maritime signed

Israel - Lebanon Maritime Agreement signed

  •   Deal ends maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon
    ​A deal ending the maritime border dispute between Israel and Lebanon was signed and approved on Thursday by representatives of the respective governments at Naqura, on the Lebanon - Israel border. The Israel delegation was led by Energy Ministry Director General Lior Schillat. 

    ​US Secretary of State Antony Blinken congratulated the sides on the signing and said, "this historic achievement will advance security, stability, and prosperity for the region ... it will strengthen the economic and security interests of Israel while promoting critically needed foreign investment for the Lebanese people as they face a devastating economic crisis."

    Lapid: Strengthening Israel's security and freedom of action

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid addressed a special Cabinet meeting, saying:

    “This is a tremendous achievement for the State of Israel, and for the Government of Israel. This agreement strengthens Israel’s security and our freedom of action against Hezbollah and the threats to our north... (Also, it) is a diplomatic achievement. It is not every day that an enemy country recognizes the State of Israel in a written agreement in view of the international community. It is not every day the United States and France stand behind us and provide security and economic guarantees for an agreement. This is also an economic achievement. Yesterday, gas production began from the Karish Platform. Israel will receive 17% of the profits from the Qana-Sidon Field, the Lebanese field. This money will go into Israel’s economy and will be used for health and welfare, education and security."

    Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah announced - upon the signing of the agreement - the end of the group's mobilization, calling the deal a "very big victory for Lebanon," but stressing that the agreement did not "even smell of normalization".