
​FM Lapid presents policy plan for Gaza

  •   ​FM Lapid presents policy plan for Gaza
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     Copyright: MFA
    From BICOM (The Britain Israel Communications & Research Center) Morning Brief

    Yesterday Foreign Minister Yair Lapid presented a long-term plan aimed at advancing economic prosperity, security and stability for the Gaza Strip. 

    • In the first stage, Israel will facilitate the rebuilding of Gaza's electricity, water, health care, housing and transport in exchange for a coordinated effort against Hamas's military build-up. 
    • The second stage will include construction of a port and a transportation link between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. 

    Speaking at a conference at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, Lapid said: “The international community and the people of Gaza need to know that Hamas terrorism is what's standing between them and a normal life."

    “We need to tell Gazans at every opportunity – Hamas is leading you to ruin. No-one will come and invest real money, and no one will try to build an economy in a place from which Hamas fires and which Israel strikes on a regular basis. The representative body of the Palestinians isn't Hamas, but the Palestinian Authority. Israel won't hand out prizes to radical terror organizations and weaken the authority that works opposite us in an organized manner.”

    Context: Lapid sees both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Egypt as key partners in his plan to rehabilitate Gaza.

    In the first stage of the plan the electricity system will be repaired, Gaza's gas infrastructure will be connected to regional suppliers, and a water desalination plant will be built. There will be significant improvements to the health care system and rebuilding of housing and transport infrastructure. In exchange, Hamas will commit to long-term quiet.

    The plan also empowers the PA, who will be given responsibility for the crossings.

    In the second stage, a full economy for security plan will be laid out to incentivize Hamas to accept the Quartet’s three Principles (recognize Israel, renounce terror and respect previous agreements between Israel and the PA).  
    As part of the second stage:
      • The artificial island project off the coast of Gaza will be advanced and that will allow for the construction of a port. 
      • A transportation link between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will be built.
      • Israel will encourage international investment inside the Gaza Strip.
      • Joint economic projects with Israel, Egypt and the PA will be advanced. 
      • Industrial and employment zones will be built near the Erez Crossing.