lapid truss

PM Lapid meets with UK Prime Minister Liz Truss

  •   PMs Lapid & Truss discuss moving UK Embassy to Jerusalem
    ​Prime Minister Yair Lapid, today, during his diplomatic visit to New York, met with Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Liz Truss.
    The Prime Minister expressed his deepest condolences, on his own behalf and on behalf of the people of Israel, on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
    Prime Minister Lapid congratulated Prime Minister Truss on taking office, and expressed confidence that under their leadership, ties between Israel and the United Kingdom will reach new heights in various fields, in particular the economy, innovation and security. 
    Prime Minister Lapid emphasized to Prime Minister Truss the necessity of avoiding further compromises with Iran, and further emphasized that Israel’s expectation is the advancement of a longer and stronger deal that will provide a response to the full range of threats stemming from Iran.
    The leaders also discussed the continued deepening of bilateral ties, and instructed their teams to quickly advance negotiations on a free trade agreement. ​