lapid in france

PM Lapid on visit to France

  •   Prime Minister Yair Lapid meets French President Emmanuel Macron

    ​Prime Minister Yair Lapid departed for Paris yesterday for a diplomatic visit that includes meetings with the French President, Emmanuel Macron. It is his first visit since becoming caretaker PM after the dissolution of Israel's parliament last week.

    "France is a major strategic partner of Israel in many fields," Lapid said before departing. "But a large part of today's visit is due to the fact that France is one of the E3 countries that are dealing with the nuclear deal with Iran....We will also discuss of course what has occurred recently off the coast of Lebanon. There have been repeated attacks on Israeli gas rigs.... The Government of Lebanon needs to restrain Hezbollah in the face of such attacks or we will be compelled to do so.”

    Later, after meeting the president, he thanked him for his warm welcome, support and friendship, as well as for his stance against anti-Semitism in France and around the world.
    Lapid said that, “France has taught the world that liberté and égalité cannot exist without fraternité. Our friendship is based on values and on the understanding that values are worth fighting for.
    “This past year, with the war in Ukraine and the terrorism from Iran, we are reminded that not only does democracy protect us, but we must also protect democracy. Sometimes there is no choice but to use the force of war to protect peace.
    Following the speeches, the two leaders entered into a private meeting to be followed by an expanded meeting with the participation of their respective staffs.