lapid abdullah

Jordan-Israel Industrial Park Launches

  •   PM Lapid met last week with Jordanian King Abdullah II
    ​​The Government, this week approved the proposal of Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Regional Cooperation Minister Esawi Frej to accelerate the implementation of the 'Jordan Gateway' project – the joint industrial zone between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. In the framework of the project – which was first proposed during talks on the 1994 peace agreement – it has been decided to advance the construction and operation of the 'Jordan Gateway' park in order to enhance cooperation with the Kingdom of Jordan.

    Staff work on preparing the decision and the operating model for the terminal were led by the Prime Minister's Office and the Regional Cooperation Ministry, in conjunction with the Transportation and Road Safety Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Economy and Industry Ministry and the Airports Authority.

    In recent years, the Regional Cooperation Ministry, in conjunction with the Emek Hamaayanot Regional Council, has advanced the project to develop the park, and worked to remove impediments and update the relevant planning and legal issues, including the construction of a bridge between Israel and Jordan to serve as a crossing between the park on its Jordanian side and its Israeli counterpart, the building of which was completed some time ago.

    Prime Minister Lapid said, "This is an initiative that will increase employment in both countries, advance our economic and diplomatic relations, and enhance the peace and friendship between our two countries. ... It will allow Israeli and Jordanian entrepreneurs and businesspeople to communicate directly. It will produce joint initiatives in trade, technology and local industry."

    Regional Cooperation Minister Frej added, "The peace between us is not a peace devoid of economic and civil cooperation that enables the citizens of both countries to enjoy its fruits."

    And, Transportation and Road Safety Minister Michaeli said, "Jordan is a strategic partner and is of decisive importance for the stability of the entire region. I am committed to doing whatever proves necessary to establish our relations with the Kingdom and assist in advancing the goals it has in common with the State of Israel."

    Following are the main points of the decision:

    1. Advancing operation of the 'Jordan Gateway' Park Terminal for the crossing of pedestrians, which will also serve as a convenient crossing for entrepreneurs interested in the joint initiative and in the industrial zone on the Jordanian side.

    2. According to the detailed outline of the decision, subject to budgetary agreements and the approval of the Knesset Economics Committee, the Airports Authority will build and operate the Jordan Gateway Park Terminal.

    3. The terminal will include a facility for hosting businesspeople and guests who will arrive from the Jordanian side for business purposes.

    4. The immediate construction of an entrance facility and the necessary structures for operating the park will be evaluated while allocating resources for completion.

    5. An outline will be formulated on developing the initiative on the Israeli side in the intermediate- and long-term, which will be evaluated following completion of the first stage.

    The project will be advanced, developed and operated in coordination and conjunction with the Kingdom of Jordan and with mutual agreement on the goals of the project and aspects of its operation.

    Lapid - Abdullah meet in Jordan

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid met with Jordanian King Abdullah II, who invited him to his palace in Amman, last Wednesday (27 July 2022). The two leaders discussed the many opportunities to build on the peace agreements, improve the long-standing link between their peoples and strengthen the two countries' common interests.
    Prime Minister Lapid and King Abdullah II also discussed the importance of their personal ties and their mutual esteem as an important element in maintaining regional stability and presenting tangible achievements to the two peoples and to the entire region.
    They also discussed US President Joe Biden's recent visit to Israel and the region, as well as the possibilities and opportunities the visit brought in its wake including the regional architecture.
    The leaders also discussed expediting various bilateral projects: Advancing the Jordan Gateway Industrial Park, building facilities for solar energy in Jordan and for desalination in Israel, joint tourism in the Gulf of Eilat-Aqaba, food security, agriculture and transportation links. The Prime Minister and the King also instructed their teams to progress quickly on major projects.
    Following their meeting, Prime Minister Lapid thanked King Abdullah II for the warm reception and hospitality. The leaders agreed to continue deepening the ties and dialogue between their countries on various issues.